Monkey Business

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Berserker was in a good mood, the fights he was gifted with were almost always excellently fun. This had put him in a better mood than when he ate the peaches of immortality before the heavenly mother of the west's peach festival, drank the heavenly wine, and stole some pills of immortality from Lao Tzu.

Now, most of the time he wouldn't be summonable due to his eightfold immortality, but in this particular instance the rules were bent and he was able to walk as a Grand Servant.

As he walked along the digitised landscape of SE.RA.PH, he twirled his bo-staff around his arm, not minding the fact that the fucker weighed roughly seventeen tonnes given that it was once a giant iron pillar and still kept that same mass despite its ability to change size, laws of conservation of mass be damned.

Nonetheless, he happily whistled to himself as he walked along, not minding the archer servant that was currently taking aim at him from a distance.

The archer fired his shot and found that the berserker had literally left a moving afterimage due to how fast he had dashed over. The last thing that archer saw was the iron bo-staff being brought down upon his skull before he was promptly sent straight back to the throne.

After that momentary distraction, Berserker simply went about the rest of his day. Not really caring much and choosing to relax until such time as he was needed.

Or, at least, that would have been the case had Robin Hood not shown up on behalf of BB to keep tabs on the Grand servant.

Berserker: "Y'know, I'm getting real sick of your shit, Hood."

Robin: "Trust me, I'd rather be on the other side of this place than be anywhere near you. But can't exactly go against BB. I'd never hear the end of it."

Berserker chuckled in amusement. Despite the fact that Robin was there to effectively spy on him, he still found the thief from Sherwood forest to be an amicable companion.

Robin: "Still the fact that you, of all servants, were summoned kinda unnerves me. Ain't you Grand guys supposed to deal with Beasts?"

Berserker smirked again before looking over at Robin Hood.

Berserker: "That's right. And from what I gather, there is a beast here. Beast III/R I believe. Not to mention Beast VIII."

Robin: "Fuck, so BB's losing either way is what I'm hearing?"

Berserker: "BB lost the moment I set foot on this fuckin' half-digitised body."

Berserker then abruptly got to his feet before spinning his bo-staff around his arm again.

Robin Hood sensed an approaching servant and his eyes widened slightly when the king of knights herself walked into view from round a nearby corner. Berserker's smirk turned into a toothy grin as Artoria Pendragon approached as a Saber class servant.

Artoria: "I see. So this is to be two against one."

Berserker: "Nah, you're against me. I'll skip the pleasantries, just call me Berserker."

Artoria smiled and nodded before her invisible sword was raised, Berserker reciprocated by readying his staff. The two were motionless for but a few seconds, but it felt like hours before they suddenly vanished from their spots and clashed.

Artoria's eyes widened as the staff crashed into her sword. The weight of such a simple weapon seemed impossible, yet here stood this warrior with a grin. Artoria pushed him back with a slash of her sword, but Berserker was unfazed as he simply extended the length of the staff and struck the king of knights in the stomach with it. He then retracted the staff and launched forward while twirling it around himself before hitting her over the head with the sound of a sickening crunch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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