Chapter 1: The Growing Similarity

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"That's a wrap guys!" Spencer shouts from behind the camera after Natasha says her final line.

I rise from the rolling chair that was the centerpiece to an amazing room. This definitely wasn't what I expected to be doing after theatre school. I was just going to be this small girl trying to make her way in the acting career. I've made amazing friends and bonds that are stronger than steel. I am still in amazement while there is sheer chaos surrounding me. I couldn't pull the grin from my face. The thing that breaks me from my trance is Nat hugging me from behind over my shoulders. She leans over my side and stares into my eyes. Her's gleaming and sparkling like that prissy vampire. She's different. She played the broody gay vampire. Is it bad to say I'm falling for a fictional character.

"We did it kid! Let's say to celebrate the finishing of filming we all go out to dinner? How's that sound?" Her voice still deep in tone with a hint of... how do I explain this... sexiness.

I nodded rapidly and she released me. Only a half hour ago did I kiss her on screen for the first time. It took like three times to get it right. I probably looked like a fool for going after her again. I was trying to make it better for the viewers. Speaking of kissing Natasha, well Carmilla, I always called actors by their roles for the longest time. Anyway, her lips were soft and plump. They rolled off mine so smooth I thought they weren't hitting hers. I've done kisses in front of audiences before but never like this. For some reason, this one felt different. I actually liked it instead of being forced into it. Maybe, it's just because I like to kiss in general. I think that is the more intimate than any other so called form of romance. The cast calls me over and I join them. Taking a space between Nat and Matt.

I see Elise come towards us and my smile hasn't faded.

"Natasha, what time are we going to be going?" Kaitlyn asked.

"We could go now? How about around 6 or 7?" I return.

Elise speaks up, "I think 6:30 would be good."

The group agreed and after we changed we parted ways. I pull El over to the side to talk to her before she leaves. She has her helmet on in the descending sunlight.

"Hey, that was great and I'm really happy we could experience that in this way. The fandom will explode, am I right?" I speak genuinely and from the heart partially.

I was never good at giving heartwarming lines on the spot. I laugh slightly because I feel pathetic like this.

"Yeah same. Ok bye!" She says and takes off with her bike.

I'm standing there in her tracks. Well great. I thought I saw her cheeks flush to a great degree and I had to smile. I walk back to my temporary apartment to change into something nicer. Maybe, discover more mic tape that I haven't yet pulled off which has happened more than I'd like to admit. On my walk I realize that it's over. There's no more Carmilla for now. We can all hope that there will be a season 2. I know I do. What's the true reason though? I will most definitely keep in contact with everyone, but was it Elise that made me want to return more. I ponder this longer.

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