Chapter 6: Empty Blue Sky

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The wind blowing through my long hair. The warmth of Natasha's hand on mine making it that much better. Carmilla has been released and the fandom is exploding. who knew that Hollstein was almost true. I put down the visor to block out the sun that has invaded my sight. Returning to normal vision I try to smile where she can see me. It was terrible that her father isn't doing well. I want to keep her mind off the bad thoughts. As we drive the endless highway is overlapping the great lake of Ontario. She rolls up the window to ask me something.

"You said you've wanted to go to a beach that was deserted right?"

And in which I have. There's always that wish that the beauty of the water kissing the shore could only be for your eyes. That wind that blows sand over the plain only for you. The sun's rays for you. We pull up to the lot. Since it's out of season we don't need to pay which we usually do. There are few cars there but not like there is in the summer. I get out the car and the air is chilled. Nat is slow retreating from the car. I let her have her time. She isn't in the best mind set at the moment. I'll give her that. I walk ahead and lean over a sand eroded wooden banister. The beach is open with couples walking along the shores, families with small children, and people running with pets of all breeds. Behind me arms are wrapped around my waist. I feel my insides tingle and almost hear them sizzle from the touch of her fingers.

"He...hey Nat."

She didn't speak just rubbed her cheek on the crook of my neck. I hear a slight grumble from her. Her hands moved from around me and laced in between my fingers. I couldn't contain the red that is spreading over my cheeks. She pushes my weight forward and we start walking down the ramp that is made of the same material the banister was. She walked with my hand in hers and she had a very different attitude than inside the car. When the wood turned to sand my feet sunk in. I suggested taking off our shoes. She agreed and started taking off her shoes and socks. I don't think her eyes strayed from me. When we rose we continued our walk towards the water. The color radiating the sky. The sound of wisp waves washing away at the sand.

"Is there a reason for the all of a sudden affection?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Why not eh?" She answers plainly.

I look at her but her mind is elsewhere. it may not even be in this universe anymore. Her eyes locked onto the sun. She stops, wrenching back my arm. She pulls me in with a spin. Her arms caress my back. Is she about to kiss me or what? Before I let my mind wander she sits down. This is very odd of her but I accept whatever she does. I'm still crushing as hard as I was before, but I do my best to hide that and not make her feel awkward. The sand is warm against my ankles. Nat's arms still around me. We sit so close that I feel she can hear my heart beating. Our faces right next to each other.

"Can you please tell me what's going on? Cause you're making my hormones go wild."

She responded with a conniving expression. "Well let me explode your hormone bombs."

She didn't say anything after that but leaned in. Her lips connecting with mine. Her dark hair blown into my face. As she kisses me again I push it back with my hands. Cupping her face. I move closer and our hips are nearly touching. I don't mind the romance but I'm confused on where this is going. I didn't realize it but Natasha's tongue is in my mouth, and mine in her mouth. My eyes are closed and I don't dare open them. Please don't be a dream. PLease let her really mean this. her. I'm not even lying. I want her around all the time. Who cares if it's selfish or me being needy, but what I know is that she knows how to have a good time. She pushes my back to the sand using my shoulders. Becoming more dominate. Nat is straddling me and is kissing me forcefully. If I didn't know better I thought she was looking for sex. Her in general is just amazing. Perfect body, perfect personality, perfect everything. She always holds something back so I can always learn something new about her. Her hands release from my waist and move up my stomach. Never breaking the intense kissing. Her hands grapple my chest. I let out a small gasp. She stops for a millisecond to see if I'm ok. I nod and she continues. The time she started has made me want her more and more. She may be dominate but I can't let it be only that.

In one motion I flip her around. Making me the boss.

"Why? What is all this because I can't keep being led on."

My voice is stern. Unlike the body mass stereotype. I look at her with a deep gaze. Seeming so big against her. She sits up, putting me back in her arms.

"I lied earlier. When I said I didn't need anyone. How could I have been so ignorant? I didn't mean it," Slowly her voice soothes me and matches the motion of the waves. "Elise. It's not the fandom that is driving me towards you. It's you driving me to you. I want you to be mine. My. My. Girlfriend. So if you accept. Kiss me."

Her head bows and she looks at the sand. Her hand tries to grasp something but the sediments slid through her hands. I place my hands over hers. Stopping her embarrassment. Then they migrate to her cheeks. I pull her as close as I can. Giving her a heaping kiss on the lips meaning I want her for as long as the universe exist. When I pull away I laugh slightly.

"Lets keep this pure. No social media. No outing. No nothing. A simple relationship in which there are no rules. Obligations. Lines."

A smile grows on both our faces and I pull her down again.

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