Chapter 9: Gay-m Night

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I didn't have too much to drink yet, but I swear I can get drunk off Natasha. Her lips are like a stiff drink. Buring my throat with her tongue. The more of her I have. The more I get lost. I like her. I like her a lot.

I go to the open floor where Sharon and Annie were already setting up chairs around the table. I sit on the wooden chair and look at them. They exchange glances then laugh to themselves.

"What?" My voice high in curiosity.

They point to their own shoulders and I look at mine. At least half my chest is out of my shirt. I turn quickly in embarrassment and fix my shirt. When I turn back Natasha comes back and sits next to me. Putting a hand on my knee which sends butterflies through my blood. The epicenter is where her hand was. I look at her and she gives me what others would call seduction eyes. Kaitlyn got the box of CAH and set it at the middle of the table.

"Who's first?" they giggle, "also if your card wins, you have to take a dare or question from all us."

"Wait when did this happen?!" Natasha speaks up.

"Just now. Ok. I nominate Elise to go first.

I nod and draw a black card.

"When I went to Grandma's house I found... *blank*"

The room erupts into laughter and they scan their cards. I take another sip of my drink and watch their eyes looking for the perfect card. Everyone hands in their cards and I read.

"When I went to Geandma's house I found... My grandpa's porn collection, a stuffed walrus, an old sock, and the dead bodies of children. Well, holy damn!"

I start burst out laughing because all make no sense. "Ok ok. I'm going to have to pick Grandpa's Porn Collection." I say through laughing tears.

Annie raises her hand and I give her raised eyebrows. I try to surpress my laugh to think of a dare or question.

"Hmm ok. Annie. I dare you to take a shot of Tequila. "

"That all El? Alright. Pass me that."

She finds a small shot glass and pours the drink. She downs it quickly and looks at me.

"There you go Elise."

She nods and we go around a couple times. Neither me nor Natasha won a card yet and maybe we're doing that on purpose.

"i will be buried with my favourite... *blank*" Sharon says.

I know almost the perfect card because I've been holding it from the beginning of the game.

She calls out the cards, earning a few giggles. Then mine comes. "the blood of my enemies"

The room laughs but I try to hide my face to keep it a secret.

"I'm going to have to go with this one" She raises her eye brows when I say it was mine.

"Alright. I'm giving you a question... Hmm. Who kissed who first?" She says non chalantly.

"Well uh I mean we both-"

"Elise. Who. Kissed. Who. First. You know what I'm talking about." Punctuating each word.

"Natasha did..."

She snorts and continues. My face reddens. I almost hate winning because the questions are getting edgy.

"Who suggested going out?"

"Will you guys marry each other?"

"But Elise, what about the fan base. They already suspect it. What are you going to do in the future?"

That's when I finally spoke up. "You guys are being children. You want to just prick and prode our relationship fine, but damn. Do one of you even have a sense of decency."

"Fine, dare then. Natasha, you won the last card. We have a dare for you. On Twitter, make a tweet not saying you're with Elise, but someone special. Having a bit of "fun". Exactly like that." Kaitlyn says with half a grin.

She does so and her face is getting to be more and more red as the night falls late. We eventually stop and Natasha pulls me to a spare room. She has her phone out and looks at me. She slams the door and taps her finger on the door frame.

"Nat? You ok?"

How could I be ok? I want to so bad. So bad, but I have thousands of people in the way.

"Elise, you don't understand something. I want to be able to post about you. I want to expose us to the world. I want to go into the heart of Toronto with you, and just you."

Elise looks down at her hands and shakes her head, "but I know you can't..."

I nod my head at her but then a decision comes in my head and it's hard to get it out. "I mean what's stopping us..."

"Are you actually putting this into reasonable excuses?"

"Yeah I know. It was a stupid idea."

Elise comes behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. She comes close to my ear.

"Well, the more you talk, the more persuasive you're being."

I turn quickly and sit her on the bed.

"Do you actually want to do this?"

She nods and grabs my phone from my hands and looks through my photos and I look through hers. I don't go too far back, just looking for photos that don't specifically point to a certain day. I eventually keep locked on a time we went to a private café my friend owns. It's us both holding hands in front of the window and looking out. Well Elise was looking out. I was looking at all the beauty I needed.

"Ooh. I really liked that one. It's so picture perfect cute right?"

I laugh slightly and pick which one she wanted me to post. Instead of an actual photo she has the camera app open and she pulls me close before I can react. She's just a hair away from my lips, her head and nose are touching my face, she smiles. I fall so hard for that smile. The blonde hair and brown eyes. I fell for Elise and I should enjoy myself with her. Expand my horizons and boundries. The camera clicks a couple times. Elise lowers the phone but still stays connected to my head. She puts both of her small hands on my neck.

"A great way to start filming season 2?"

"A great way to start filming season 2." I say back, agreeing with her, and laugh slightly.

She finally pulls me in and she kisses me once. Elise pulls back and takes her phone and goes to Instagram. I do the same. I load the photo into the queue and add just a small filter to make it look defined.

Elise counts back softly from three.


My heart pounds like it's going to exploded through my rib cage.


Am I actually doing this? Yes Natasha, you're admitting to the world that you are in love with this girl.

"One..." She hits the button and reluctantly I do too.


And it's out. We're out. These photos will be the most liked photos and I bite my lip. I do because... I feel alive. Elise had brought me from the grave and I couldn't thank her more.

What did I just do...

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