Chapter 8: Why Must I Always Fall For The Hot Ones....

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The car screeches to a halt just outside the apartment. I pay the man and he tips his head and drives off. I buzz their apartment and they reply and I go through the doors. I take the stairs up to their door and knock. They open the door and the gummy smile makes me laugh.

"Heyo lise-e." Wide eyes looking at me.

I push past them putting my bag down on a chair.

"You know I don't like that name."

They laugh and shrug it off. Kaitlyn offers me a drink but I deny at first. I'll drink later on the video thing. I'm very unaware of how that all works. I notice Kait is acting strange like they know something. There's this sense of mischief in their eyes. I start wondering about the place looking at the decore and their instruments. I can still feel Kaitlyn's gaze burning in the back of my skull. I turn quickly and face them.

"Can I help you in any shape or form?" I say trying to hold up a smile so it doesn't sound like I'm pleading for the answer which I basically am.

"So you were hanging out with Nat yesterday eh?" Their eyebrows raise and now I know that she suspects something.

I'm honestly not ready to give us up yet. I can barley accept it myself. I don't know if we were going to fast about this. I mean we just met a couple months ago and now it's escalated to this, but I don't entirely feel bad about it either. Elise, you still have to answer them.

"Oh yeah! Uh, sorry. Tired" Wrong thing to say Elise.

Their grin grows, "tired? From what? Because what I saw in the snap you seemed pretty relaxed laying on her chest."

My face grows bright red and it's incredibly impossible to conceal it. I start to babble but no actual words exited my mouth that were correctly pronounced. They rub my shoulder.

"Hey. I'm just badgering you. I know you have a close bond with her for 'reasons'. I would never assume something like that. You and I both know Nat doesn't like assumptions or titles/ labels. You should've seen your face. it was like I was taking a puppy from your hands. Petrified. I have a close friendship with Sharon so I know how it feels for people to think otherwise."

The color of my face returns and I release the breath I have been holding.

Yup. Too soon.

The video was very long. We sat answering questions forever. Kait didn't even let me see half of them because they were way too sexual or just down right weird. I thank them for that. I stuff the red wig back in my bag and think about heading out when they stop me again.

"What could you possibly want?"

"Yo El. You would tell us, right?"

"About?" My voice slightly on edge.

"If you and Natasha were a couple?"

"I think you have bigger things to worry about Kaitlyn." I say and leave immediately.

I don't know why I feel the way I do for Natasha. She is a business partner, but at the same time I need her to be my partner in everything I do. Why must I always fall for the hot ones...


It's been months now and Elise and I have gotten so much closer. We have released it to the cast, but they pretty much knew ever since the CITF event back in November. I'm as open as I can when in around her. The little ball of sunshine never dies and keeps my heart warm. I feel we've done a good job hiding it. On my phone I have plenty photos of me and Elise that haven't been seen by anyone else. Like the photo from Christmas, under the tree. I set the phone up across my apartment on a stand and dimmed the lights. Elise was wrapped around me in the shadows of the bright and colourful lights. It's darkish but it looks nice. Then it was a close up of our mouths together with the early sun behind us. I take great effort in getting good photos of anyone because everyone has their own beauty. Especially Elise. She's all I can think about in a day and because the filming of season 2 is coming up it makes me even more giddy under this dark hair. I've read through the script more than I thought was possible. Especially honing in on episode 1, 12, and 36. I feel those will be the more thought out scenes. Especially compared to each other.

I've invited Elise and the rest of the cast over just so we can have a moment of calm before the hustle and bustle set in. The first to arrive were Kaitlyn and Sharon. Followed by Annie. Matt and Aaron were doing more line work and practice on his accent so they couldn't come. Then it was Elise who came last. The five of us were thrown about the Fourier when there was a knock. I was the first one to respond and run to the door. Well not nearly run but, damn it. I was excited to see her. I open it and she was perfect in every way. Some small capris, a nice crop-ish top, and some regular Nike sneakers. She smiles widely and I bend down to kiss her right on the mouth. I pull her into the hallway a bit and keep my foot in the door. The only thing more embarrassing then an entire room of grown adults staring at you, is an entire group of adults laughing when you lock yourself out of your own room. I take her wrist and put the around my waist. I kiss her once more in the hallway then look down with a smile.

"Hey there Elise"

"Afternoon to you too." She smiles and licks her lips. Causing her bottom lip to be caught between her teeth to try and lessen the smile that grew on her face.

I open the door agian and lead her inside. Everyone was still talking with each other and not give looks. That's all she wanted. No looks or judgements. Elise has been the best thing to happen in her life. She was too attached to one relationship that ended in a plundering, sputtering, mess. She didn't feel the bad omen with her. Her hand seemed to fit in mine. Like the final puzzle piece. My life is screwy in every way, but Elise my my side makes it just that much better. Every time I see her a smile is always there. I've never seen her cry real tears. Never seen her truly upset. I can't stay mad at her. She's like a puppy that needs love, and do I feel that? I just may.

I drew my arm around her waist as we sat on the hardwood flooring against the couch.

"So," Sharon says, "can you guys believe we're going to screen again?"

"Well you kinda have to believe it since it is a reality. Did I expect it should be the question. And the answer to that is no" Elise said under in my arms, leaning into my side.

"True that El." She responded.

Eventually, I don't even know how it came about, but we all were given a surprise alcohol curtisy of Kaitlyn. It was like a little game. Was it vodka? Gin? Rum? Tequila? Who knows. We each take a sip of our drinks and surprisingly no one threw up on the spot. Annie took it even though she had a sour face. I had the gin which was pretty good. I never got around to asking what everyone else got.

The afternoon grew long and soon the day turned to night. The group was getting a little more comfortable but I kept the drinking down to a minimal. I liked seeing everyone's second side. Even if that at all. I'm making it sound a lot worse than what it is but at the moment Elise has taken liking to the skin around my neck. I giggle slighitly at her blonde hair that tickles me. I take her hand and disappear into another part of the loft. The lights are off and no real light shines through The shaded window.

"Nattt-" she moans out as I push her against the wall.

"yeah El?"

"You're like the best girlfriend I've ever had. Will you never leave me?"

"Sure thing, sunshine." I smile and push in for another kiss.

Her tongue explores my mouth once again and I fall more into her. We are co-stars and business partners, but screw that. I care about her too much to admit that it's only that. I thought I could get farther with her in the night, but remembered there's people just outside.

We're only interrupted by the door hitting my back because Kaiytln was looking for us. I peer around the edge and they were surprised by the position we were in. Me between Elise's legs and her pinned to the wall.

"Uh sorry, guys, we outside were just wondering something. Would anyone be up for a game night? We can find games around here and I saw Cards Against Humanity in the closet."

Elise gets out from under me and smiles, feeling just like Kaitlyn never saw them just making out. She goes out the door but in a sing song voice she speaks.

"Don't you mean gay-m night" She laughs.

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