Chapter 10: The Ultimate Purpose

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"-Cuddling up with your nice warm..." She trails off and her lips were against mine.

I give another kiss back to her, but have to pull away to get out my next line. I could've easily stayed there in the middle of the room, everyone watching, just kissing Natasha. Ever since the Instagram posts I got very narcissistic, and wanted everyone to know I was dating the one and only Natasha Negovanlis. The fandom nearly imploded when those photos went up online. We immediately got to the top of tumblr, thanks to Nat showing me, and was the biggest thing for everyone to see. She went straight home after we posted so I didn't get to say what I wanted to. Was I scared? Probably. I wasn't ready to admit I almost love her. We have been dating since August, and now it's May, but I'm still unsure. Sure I've said it when I'd tease her, but seriously I'm just being pathetic.

The scene ends and when Spencer yells 'it's a wrap'. Again, I flash back to the first time he said it. I was denying my feelings for Natasha, but now I'm open and in love. Screw it. I'm in love. I have to smile and I wrap my arms around her. She does the same and we rock from foot to foot. When we let go the rest of the cast does a small dance. I escape the small room and change out of my outfit to put on a small gray tank top with ruffles near the chest. While in the quiet changing room I start to think. And because I was thinking, my mind happened to drift to Natasha. I can feel my heart to swell and my stomach churns all the same. I'm whipped. That's what it came down to. Had I been in highschool I would've had the biggest crush on her probably. No it was different. I never really had this paralyzing crush on her. I just felt we had a really great connection, and I always need someone like that in my life. I close my eyes and I just start to picture and imagine.  A river of dark wavy hair, a cool hand on my back, and the scent of a beautiful girl. I can hear my own heart start to pump in my ears. I lean against the wall and fall deeper into my thoughts.

"Day dreaming, El?" I hear the friendly voice that pulled me from my moment of blindness.

I look up to Natasha that stands in the door way with the ever so present smirk. She walks over to me and takes a seat next to me. She gently nudges my shoulder with hers and I lean my head on it. I never knew posting something on Instagram can affect my life on such a grotesque level. I'm allowed to go on open dates with her. Allowed to play with her hair when I'm bored. Allowed to do all these things I would've dreamed of doing the former year. When I first laid eyes on her I knew she'd be special somehow. The strong jaw bone gave an aura of strength and dedication, the dark hair that ran to her shoulders showed that she was confident, the eyes that bore into me every time we locked glances. I don't even know what that showed to me, but I just knew and had this feeling. The words forming in her throat made me look at her softly.

"Elise, I don't think I could ask for a better partner to act with. Honestly you make this entire process so much easier and filming Almost Adults was so much better because we got to play an entire different relationship. But, of course, I miss killing many many people with the contact of our kissing machines." She smirks

"Kissing machines Natasha? Seriously?" I laugh.

I give up on pursueing her since it's been a long day already, I fold into her. i feel her warm lips sit on top of my head. I hear more footsteps and separate from Natasha. It wasn't that I felt awkward with her, it was just unnecessary for others to see. I see Paige wrap the corner and smile when she peers in.

"Oh hey guys. Am I interrupting something?" Her voice not annoyed at the question.

"Oh not at all," Natasha spoke as she stood.

She gave me her hand to help up and I used it, but since I was exhausted, I ended up falling into her when I extended my legs. Her arms wrapped tight and I felt okay. I smiled when she laughed and pushed me to an upright position. I turn my attention back to Paige and moved away from Nat.

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