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Anastasia was staring out of the car window with her resting bitch face in mode and her arms crossed.

She was furious at her older brother, Aaron, for sending her away to live with some stranger.

What was his name again? Malik Johnson? Mason Jordan? She thought to herself.

"Ana." Her brother called her by her nickname, making a left turn.

She ignores him and continues to stare out the window.

She was definitely not in the mood to speak to him at this very moment.

"Anastasia!" He snapped, almost as if he were annoyed.

"What?!" She snapped back, turning to look at him."What Aaron?"

He sighed."Why do you have to be so damn rude?"

She rolled her eyes and looked out the window again. This time she was staring up at the beautiful light blue sky.

Today is a beautiful day. She thought.

"Anastasia, you're acting as if I'm sending you away to live with a complete stranger." He said, looking at her for a brief second before turning back to the road.

"You are." She mumbled then said out loud."You're sending me away to live with someone I haven't even met before, Aaron."

"You've met Michael, plenty of times. Remember he came to your eighth birthday party."

"I'm sixteen, Aaron! that was eight years ago."

"Still, he's been my friend for years. He's practically family, Ana. He's no stranger."

She scoffed then placed her chin on the palm of her hand."Whatever Aaron."

"Don't be upset with me for sending you away. Because you caused this." He said and she rolled her eyes."I gave you warnings about hanging around those fast ass girls and you didn't listen. Going to the club Anastasia, really? You're fucking sixteen! Having parties while I'm out of town?! Inviting boys over, underage drinking! Why can't you be good for once?"

"Sending your own sister away is unbelievable." She mumbled out loud.

"No! You being arrested time after time is unbelievable."

She sucked her teeth, then looked down at her white polished nails and said."Whatever Aaron."

"Don't whatever me Anastasia, because you know it's true."

She rolled her eyes once again before sticking her earphones in her ears as he continued to lecture her.

Time goes by and Aaron pulls up to two big gates with 'Neverland' placed in big gold letters and 'Michael Jackson' at the top.

Neverland? She thought, curiously.

Aaron talks to the guards and the gates slowly open up.

He drives in and parks in front of a big brown house.

Anastasia opens the car door, steps out, and looks around the premises.

"Wow." She said in awe. Her eyes meeting some statues of children and beautiful flowers.

Three women come outside and greet Aaron and Anastasia before grabbing her suitcases and going back into the house.

Anastasia crosses her arms and looks away once she sees a tall guy with black, short, curly hair come outside.

Aaron snatches her earphones out of her ear and she glares at him.

"Welcome to Neverland, Anastasia." The guy said, holding out his hand for her to shake.

Her Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now