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"She should be in here." Anastasia said before looking under Ariel's bed.

Today is the day Ariel leaves back to the adoption center, but they can't seem to find her.

"It's obvious that she's hiding, Annie." Michael sighed, closing the closet doors.

"Ariel?" Anastasia called, walking out of Ariel's room.

"Ariel?" Michael also called, making his way down the stairs with Anastasia behind him.

Anastasia groans with frustration then turns around and smashes into Shannon.

"Oh, I'm sorry Shannon? Have you by any chance seen Ariel around?"

Shannon shakes her head."No, but I'll help you look for her."

"Thank you." Anastasia said then began to check every closet and room along with Shannon.

Several minutes go by and Ariel is no where to be found.

"Okay, I'm about to lose my mind now." Anastasia said.

She goes upstairs into the bathroom and splashes water on to her face. As she was drying her face with a towel, she heard noises coming from under the sink.

Anastasia walks closer to the sink and opens the cabinet to find Ariel.

She breathes a huge sigh of relief then sat down in front of her.

"You nearly scared Michael and I to death, Ariel." She said."Don't ever hide from us like that again, you understand me?"

Ariel nods and Anastasia sighs."Why are you hiding?"

"I don't want to leave." Ariel pouted.

"I don't want you to leave either, honey." She pulls Ariel out from under the sink and on to her lap."Michael and I are gonna miss you more than anything in the entire world.

"Anastasia? Did you find--" Michael walks into the bathroom and stops when he sees them."Ariel, you nearly scared Anastasia and I to death. Don't ever hide from us like that again, you understand me?"

Ariel nods and Michael hugs her tightly.

"I don't want to leave, Applehead." Ariel said.

"I know, Ellie, but I'll let you in on a little secret." He leaned in and whispered."You're coming back, and you're gonna stay forever and ever."

"Really?" Her frown turned into a huge smile.

Michael nods."Yes."


Michael smiled softly."I promise."

She wraps her arms around his neck and says."I love you Applehead, I love you Annie."

"We love you more, Ariel, more than you could ever imagine." Michael said and they all share a big loving long hug.


Anastasia and Michael waved goodbye at the car Ariel was in as it pulled off. When the car is completely gone Anastasia turns to Michael and hugs him tightly.

"I miss her already, this week better fly by."

He kissed her forehead."It will baby, you won't even see it coming."

She sighed with a weak smile."I'm already counting down."

He smiled back at her then was about to kiss her when Aaron interrupted them.

"Sorry to interrupt this magical moment," Aaron said and Anastasia rolled her eyes causing Michael to chuckled."but, Michael, I need to talk to you.....now."

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