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Anastasia's eyes widen in disbelief as he moved his lips slowly against hers.

When her mind finally came to focus (only after two seconds) she shoved Felix away then pulled back her fist and sent it flying straight into his jaw.

His head jerked to the side and she quickly wiped at her mouth before snapping at him,"What the hell is your problem?! Why did you do that?!" Her balled up fists were eager to connect with Felix's face once more.

He rubbed at his sore jaw and slowly returned his eyes back to her."I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Anastasia, I don't know what came over me." He had tears in his eyes and Anastasia couldn't tell if it was truly sincere or because of the punch."It's just...you remind me so much of your mother in our early years, it felt as if I were falling in love all over again. I shouldn't have done that—"

Anastasia shook her head then pointed at the doorway."Get out. Now."


"Leave, Felix." She said firmly.

He gave her an apologetic look then quickly exited the kitchen.

She was breathing heavily in and out of her nose and she knew she needed to calm down before she did something crazy.

She already didn't like him and for him to pull something like this is unbelievable.

After relaxing herself, she finishes her snack, cleans up the kitchen then returns back to the bedroom.

When morning hits, Anastasia awakes to the shower running. She gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom just as Michael finishes and steps out.

"Don't look at me, I'm exposed!" He playfully said, covering his lower area.

She suppressed a giggle then threw him a white towel to which he catches and wraps around his waist.

As she prepared to brush her teeth, Michael said out of nowhere,"I know what you did last night,"

Her eyes instantly widen in fear and she stopped moving the toothbrush around her mouth.

She turned to face him and he adds,"Snuck off to the kitchen to eat, and didn't even have the audacity to bring me back a snack, what kind of relationship do we have?"

She chuckled nervously and breathed relieved, returning back to her morning routine.

"By the way, I had Susan and Jim cook up a big breakfast for everyone. So hurry and get dressed and come downstairs. I'm gonna go wake up Ariel." He kissed both side of her cheeks then left out the bathroom.

She felt guilty for not telling him right then and there what happened last night. She knew if she did he would beat Felix's ass and she most definitely didn't want that.

Felix could possibly press charges or even file a lawsuit, and anyone wouldn't think twice about doing that to a famous millionaire just for the fame and money.

Plus, what would Ariel think of her father?

She rinsed out her mouth then leaned against the sink and rubbed her eyes.

She'll just tell him when they're gone.

What could he do? Make the plane turn back around?

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