Alcina sat with her two daughters, Bela and Daniela. She was waiting for Cassandra to show up so that she could have a quick conversation with them before Rue would arrive. She continued to glance at the door and then at the clock until Cassandra arrived. Once she did, she took her usual spot near Daniela, reaching for her tea.''How has your day been girls?'' Alcina asked curiously.
''Not much. I filled out some of those business ledgers for you.'' Bela said, looking up at her mother.
Alcina softly patted her hand, which Bela leaned into before cuddling next to her mother. The Countess put her arm around the girl before looking at her other two daughters. ''And you two?''
''Well, I got a new book recommendation from Dina.'' Daniela muttered with red cheeks.
''And you, Cassandra?''
''Oh, I have a nice chat with Rue about painting.'' Cassandra said nonchalantly before sipping at her tea.
''Speaking of Rue, there is something I wanted to talk to you three about before she arrives.'' the three daughters looked to their mother curiously. Alcina saw all eyes on her and slowly took a sip of tea before speaking. ''I've been thinking of courting Rue and I wanted your honest opinions about her.''
All three of them stayed silent for a long moment. Suddenly, Daniela shot up, shouting in victory while Cassandra groaned loudly. ''Yes! Pay up Cass! I won! I fucking won!''
''Daniela Dimitrescu, language.'' Alcina scolded as Cassandra tossed a bag of lei to her youngest sister. Alcina sighed heavily. ''What did you three bet on this time?''
''They betted on whether or not you'd court Rue.'' Bela explained before looking up at the clock. Her face scrunched up in confusion before looking at the door. ''Speaking of, isn't Rue suppose to be here by now?''
''Now that you mention it, yeah, she should. When we were talking, she said that she'd be here.'' Cassandra said, looking to the door.
''Maybe she got held up with Sofia.'' Daniela said as she counted out her lei.
(DAY 2)
Alcina quickly walked towards the servants quarters. Rue had not joined her or her daughters last night for tea. At first, she thought something had come up and she couldn't make it so she let it go. But today, she hadn't seen her nor have her daughters. She hoped her dear Rue wasn't sick. The last time she was, she was bed ridden for almost a week.
Entering the servants quarters, the chatting maids immediately went silent and their eyes went wide when they saw Lady Dimitrescu. They all immediately stood firmly, unsure of what else to do other than to appear formal. Sofia approached the Countess, who was surveying the room.
''My Lady, is there something I can assist you with?'' the blonde asked curiously.
''Have you seen Rue?''
''No, I thought she was with you.''
''Oh dear.'' Alcina pinched the bridge of her nose, attempting to appear annoyed while panicking. ''Well, she must be here somewhere. If you find her, please let me know.''
''Of course, my Lady.'' Sofia said as the Countess left the room.
Rue groaned, slowly opening her eyes. She was laying in Alcina's bed. She shot up immediately before falling back into bed. Her entire body felt sore before realizing she was completely naked. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was her father hitting her in the head. She had no memory of ever getting into Alcina's bed, let alone having sex with her.

From Dusk Until Dawn
FanfictionCastle Dimitrescu has many secrets and rumours. Most true, some false. Whether or not it's from desperation or curiosity, those who enter rarely ever leave. For years, the Lady of the Castle ruled with an iron fist along with her three daughters. O...