Chapter 10

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Silva: let me get this clear you want to go get your dad in the First World when your not even sure if he knows something

Me: well maybe if I tell you his name you'll know that it wasn't just a dream and that I'm not making this up because in my memory the queen says "take my daughter get her to safety Hunter Harwood you're my head guard I wouldn't trust anyone else with her life protect my daughter at all costs she must live to fulfill her destiny" and my dad name is exactly the same ! It can't be a coincidence! In Australia there's under 4 thousands of Harwood ! That's really not a lot ! Plus my dad practically don't have the Australian accent my mum does but my dad barely as it !

Dowling: I'll allow it but you're not going alone

Me(roll my eyes): fine I'll ask Sky to come with me

Silva: No, you'll go with Riven

Me: anyone but him why can't I go with Sky ?

Silva: I don't know what happened and I don't want to know you're going with Riven or you're not going at all understood ?

Me(mumbles): fine

Dowling(give me a necklace): this will act like Stella's ring it's a getaway necklace another relic but this one is not a crown jewel it's a gift that was given to me by an old friend you'll go to the place we found Bloom last time when she used the ring. As you'll touch the door think of your home in Australia when you'll cross the portal you should be in an abandoned place in Australia from there you only have to make your way to your house.

Me(nod): understood

Harvey: if I'm not mistaken he should now be in the specialist training area.

Me(sigh): I'll go get him

I put the necklace on and leave for the training area I find Riven sitting on a bench the same one as Terra I take a big deep breath and walk up to them

Riven(to Terra): I was shit. After two attempts with me, Aisha quit combat and switched to support so...

Terra(as she sees me): well it's been a weird week. Oh hey Crystal are you ok ?

Me(force a smile): I will be. (Look at Riven) ya coming with me Silva order

Riven: uh ok where are we going ?

Me(sigh and start to walk off): Australia to see my dad

He follow me and we get to the same place where we found Bloom on the first day of school after Stella gave her, her ring. I stop at the door and follow Dowling instructions. I put my hand on the door handle thinking of home. I open the door and walk through the portal Riven following closely. I look around a bit and close the door with a freeze blast and start to walk towards the exit of the building.

Riven(following me): are you gonna talk to me one day or you're just going to keep ignoring me ?

Me(stop outside and look around to understand where I am): you hurt my friend when she forgive you I will too

Riven(sigh): ok fair enough but for the record I'm sorry

Me(start to walk in my house direction): that's not to me that you need to apologize you need to apologize to Terra

We continue to walk until we get to my house a few minutes away from where the portal is. I knock on the door and wait for someone to open the door. A few seconds later my dad (media) open the door.

Dad: Crystal ? (See Riven) who's your friend ?

Me(get inside): we have to talk dad is mum home ?

Dad(follows me): uh no she's still at the hospital why ?

Me(angrily): I know the truth dad and I know that you know that the boarding school I'm going is in the Otherworld and I know that my birth mother the Queen of Polaris. She gave me to you so you could protect me and put me into safety! Now tell me everything

Dad(sigh): I admit it I know all that and yes she confided you to me and I know that this young one (point to Riven) is a specialist and that you're an ice fairy. You're birth mother is Khione Queen of Polaris and she ordered me to protect you with my life which I will continue to do so until I die

Me: well then you have to know this. The Burned One have returned and I want to see my mother even if I'm not sure to find her alive

Riven(check his texts): uh yeah might want to wait for that the school is on high training mode Silva want us back as soon as possible

Dad(nod): I'm coming with you I'll leave a note for your mom that will also be a good reason to see some old friends of mine like Silva

I nod and he writes a short note to mom and we leave for the abandoned building. We get in the building after walking for a few minutes and I do the exact same thing as earlier. We walk through the forest and back to the school we head straight for the training area.

Me(walk up to Silva): Silva

Silva(turn around and see my dad): well well look what the cat dragged in Hunter Harwood been a while old friend !

Dad(chuckles and hug Silva): I know my friend I was on a mission for my Queen

Silva(look at me): so you were right (look at my dad) she really is queen Khione daughter ?

Dad(look at me and Riven): you two should get to training you're behind schedule from the others

I roll my eyes and we walk up to one of the ring. We start to train like the others. Training went on for a few hours we finished last because we didn't start at the same time as the others. As I start to walk back to my dorm I can feel Riven hand grab my wrist.

Riven: Chris look I'm really really sorry about what I did and said about Terra and I promise to apologize next time I see her but having you angry at me... I- I hate it and I can't continue like that I want you to kn-

Me(kiss him): just shut up dumbass

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