Chapter 17

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I got down and followed Sky further to the punching bags. He got behind one and signaled me to hit it. So I did.

Sky: so what's going on with you ?

Me: nothing

Sky: that's not true Chris and you know it you've become careless and you're angry all the time

Me: so what ?

Sky: I think there's something you're keeping from your friends... talk to me Chris what's going on ?

Me: very well Sky ! You wanna know fine ! I remember that night I remember everything!

Sky: what night ?

Me: the night my mother gave me to her personal guard the one who protected me all those years and raised me my "father"

Sky: ok so what do you remember

Me: it wasn't burned ones who had overtook the city... it was prisoners

Sky: what ?! I don't understand we would know if any prisoners had gotten out !

Me: not if there's a mole who helped them

Sky: what else do you remember ?

Me: it was the middle of the night when the city alarm rang my real mother and father ran into my room as I was crying because of the noise the alarm was making they were talking about how the city was under attack by people they were to coordinated in their opinion to not have a leader who had insight... then the king my real father ran in barricading the door to my room. I had stopped crying when I saw him and raised my small arms in his direction. He took me in his big strong arms and told me "my little princess we cannot keep you here it isn't safe we need you to stay alive and safe so you can fulfill your destiny... retaking over the throne your rightful place... they won't kill us they need us alive but one day when you're grown up and have control of your powers you will find us and you will be our rescuer... I love you my little ice princess" that's when he gave me to my mother and what she told my dad you already know but as we were leaving we didn't leave through the door of my room

Sky: where did you leave through then ?

Me: there was a hidden door in my room we left through there and once we were out in the cold my father ran to a place where there was a portal like the one nearby but right before we went in I saw the smoke coming from the castle... you know the rest of the story

Sky: maybe we should ask your father about all this maybe he had more knowledge on what's going on now ? He might have went back to check if people were still alive ?

Me: I tried to call and text him but he's not answering... I think something happened Sky

Sky: we'll find out I promise Chris

Me: thanks Sky... as much as I hate to admit it you were right I did need to talk about it

Sky: hey that's what friends are for

Me: well you're a good friend Sky

He smiled and I sighed.

Me: what should I do Sky we're already head over heels with problems I can't leave the girls and I can't go alone either

Sky: well let's take one problem at a time we can't have you not having news from your dad so how about we go see if his alright ?

Me: you'll come with me ?

Sky: yeah of course

Me: thanks

Sky: don't mention it now come on let's go Chris !

I smile and follow him to the nearby portal. After a few minutes of walking we get to the portal door. I touch it imagining home. I open the door and we walk through ending up like last time in an abandoned building in Australia. I motion to Sky and start running towards the house. After a few minutes of running we get to the house as I get on the porch I find the door busted open I look at Sky and he takes he sword out leading the way inside I follow him in anxious about what I could be seeing.

Me: dad !

Sky and I split ways he went upstairs and I checked the ground floor when I got in the kitchen I found a note with my name on it. I opened it and started to read.

Crystal if you're reading this it's because you have understood that something was wrong. I have gone back to Polaris to try and infiltrate the prisoners ranks and find a way to get as you now know your real parents out of the castle. I wish I could have told you in person but I know you and I can't bring you with me you still have so much to learn. I love you Crystal.

- With love dad

My heart broke reading this note but I know he's right.

Sky: there's nothing upstairs

Me: yeah I know where he went... (look at Sky) he went home

Sky: you mean back to Polaris ?

Me: yea apparently he's gonna try to infiltrate the prisoners and get my real parents out of there

Sky: I'm sorry Chris I know you would have wanted to go with him

Me: yeah but as he says in this letter I still have a lot to learn I guess it's for the best and I know I'll see him again after all my destiny is to save my kingdom

I looked down and Sky gave me a small hug to comfort me which I appreciated.

Sky: How about we get back to Alfea

Me: yeah ok

We left my house and made our way back slowly to the portal. Once back at Alfea Sky and I parted ways and I went back to my dorm. I walked in and happily no one was there I went into my room and grabbed a towel. Then I went in the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out towel wrapped around my body I grabbed my dirty clothes from the counter where I had left them and walk into mine and Stella's room closing the door behind me. I put my clothes in my dirty laundry basket and walked to my drawer picking out some underwear and a pyjama. I got dressed and sat in my bed as I grabbed my books and did my homework.

I'm curious who do you want Crystal with as endgame ? Let me know in the comments !

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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