You're the Flash?

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Your POV

So it's been a few days of working at S.T.A.R. Labs and I have been monitoring Tyler and his powers. I still can't believe he has powers. Anyways me and Caitlin have been getting close. She lets her guard down around me and allows herself to be vulnerable with me. At least that's what it feels like. I think I have a crush on her. I can't right? It's only been a few days. This is so bad. "Hey Brian. How's the head?" Caitlin says as she walks in. (I was hit in the head when Barry was training and it hurts.)

"It's throbbing as you would expect being hit with a superspeed punch to the face." Y/N says sarcastically. "Ha-ha-ha (Sarcastic deadpan laugh) Now let's take a look, you big baby." Caitlin says as she walks up to you. "Hey would you look at that. All better no need to check on me." You say in hopes that she wouldn't walk up to you and see you blushing. "Nonsense. You were hurt by Barry and I made an oath to help people in need and you definitely need help. I can see the throbbing from here." Caitlin responds. You just sit there dumbfounded and speechless just at the sight of her. Caitlin starts checking your temperature and BP and other stuff a doctor would do when you have a head injury when you decide to say "Hey so this is kinda bad timing but do you think that there is a possibility that I could also have powers? Y'know like Tyler does?" Caitlin looks at you in partial shock but also in understanding and says "Well you don't have the meta gene so it's unlikely that you will get powers but hey you'll always have me." You start blushing hard at what she said. "Trust me you don't want that to happen."

Caitlin looks shocked at what you said and asks "What you getting powers or me always being there for you?" She says the last part with a little bit of sadness. "I've been through a lot in my life, I would only be a burden to you and to this team." You say looking down and remembering your past. Just as Caitlin opens her mouth to ask you what you mean, Tyler runs in jumping and screaming that he beat Barry in a training match. You laugh at your friend and say "He was going easy on you." Tyler just glares at you and you laugh even harder. He summons a fireball and Barry speeds in and takes him down. You and Caitlin both laugh at this and Barry makes Tyler surrender. You walk up to Tyler, pat him on the back and say "It's okay champ at least I'm not the only one kicking your ass now." Tyler glares at you while Barry, Caitlin and Cisco who just walked in start laughing at that. Tyler glares even harder at you and you raise your hands in mock surrender and say "Okay I surrender. Geez. Someone woke up on the wrong side of a beating today." Everyone laughs and Tyler shoots a fireball at you which you dodge and it hits the wall and you gasp in faux offense. "How dare you try and hit your best friend." With that being said you put him in a headlock and take him down in front of everyone and you give him a nougie and everyone laughs whilst Tyler surrenders. After about 10 seconds of him screaming I surrender you finally let him go.

"You're lucky I didn't fight back." Tyler says under his breath just loud enough for you to hear. "Sorry what was that. I couldn't hear you over the sound of me being victorious." You say laughing and eventually Tyler joins in laughing at himself. Dr. Wells wheels in and everyone stops laughing. You and Tyler both have a weird feeling about him but you don't say anything about since you know that he is everyone's mentor here. After about 5 seconds of silence Tyler speaks up. "Hey Dr. Wells. What's up."

And then I put you all on a cliffhanger to entertain myself.

So I have a new chapter for Y'all. Pretty short only 700 and something words. I know my chapters so far have all been short but as soon as I finish this term I will do a few longer chapters when I actually finally have time to do a 2, 3000 word chapter. What do you think of the chapter though? I tried to just do a bit of a fun one for this one. Also I won't do a lot of fight scenes with Barry and the villians because I'm not good with fight scenes. Enjoy.

male reader x Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost Where stories live. Discover now