Something is weird about him.

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A/N: Sorry I'm a terrible guy. I know I said I would update yesterday but I had some problems with my phone. I was locked out of it thought I was being hacked and couldn't use it so now I am using my PC. Sorry. Also, the pictures I use at the top will not reference anything in the chapter, I just think that she looks so good in the pictures I choose. Thoughts? Anyways without further ado I give you Finally the next chapter in the book.

Previously: "You're lucky I didn't fight back." Tyler says under his breath just loud enough for you to hear. "Sorry what was that. I couldn't hear you over the sound of me being victorious." You say laughing and eventually Tyler joins in laughing at himself. Dr. Wells wheels in and everyone stops laughing. You and Tyler both have a weird feeling about him but you don't say anything about since you know that he is everyone's mentor here. After about 5 seconds of silence Tyler speaks up. "Hey Dr. Wells. What's up."

"I need to talk to Y/N and Tyler alone please." Dr. Wells says with an evil glint in his eye. Barry is the first to speak up and say: "Sure I was just about to ask if you guys wanted to go to CC Jitters? We can get some coffee and chill." Everyone pipes up and says yes leaving you and Tyler alone with Dr. Wells.

(I know Dr. Wells was always methodical and would never do any of this as Wells and rather RF but I just want to expose him to you and Tyler for a bit of a foreshadowing reason)

You are the first to break the everlasting silence: "What did you need Wells?" Dr. Wells seems to be in thought before he starts slow clapping and slowly moves closer to you two. "I am surprised you two figured it out. I mean I will be honest with you, I thought Barry or Joe would be the first to find out. Hell maybe even Caitlin. But you...that was surprising indeed."

Flashback: 1 day earlier:

You and Tyler are in the Cortex waiting for everyone to arrive and so Tyler breaks the silence and says: "So what do you think is going on with Wells? I don't like him. There is something extremely off about him." You ponder for a moment and say: "Maybe he is lying to the team about his wheelchair? I don't honestly know why but every time Barry is in slight trouble he seems to poise himself to get out of the wheelchair. But whatever it is I don't like him man. He gives me the creeps." As you and Tyler are talking you are both unaware of the secret door to the Time-Vault opening in the hallway. "I say we investigate him and find out what is goin on with him. Because one thing is for sure, I don't trust him at all." Tyler says. "Let's go find him and follow him and finally see what's going on with him." Tyler continues. Unbeknownst to the two friends, Wells just stepped (Haha get it) out of the Time-Vault and made his way to the Cortex. "Ssssshhhh. Wells is coming act natural." you say to shut Tyler up. You both make your way to the main desk and just sit there and act like you were monitoring the crime screen. Dr. Wells enters the Cortex and says: "Oh boys. I didn't think anyone would be here at this time in the morning."

You both turn around acting surprised at Wells' presence and you say: "Tyler wanted to train early this morning and since this is the only place that he can use his powers he thought he would train here against my awesome reflexes." Tyler was surprised at how smoothly you just lied but also glad. Wells piped up and said: "Oh well have fun boys." As Wells starts wheeling away, you ask: "Why were you here this early today Wells?" Tyler sees what you're doing and joins in: "Yeah, we honestly thought we were alone here this morning." Wells stops and turns around and says: "Oh you know how it is. Work, work, work. I was just making sure everything was in order for Barry and that his suit was clean." Neither you or Tyler believed him but Tyler just said: "Oh well okay we're just gonna go back to training. Right Y/N?" You turn to look at your friend and it's like you're having a conversation by just staring. You gave in and said: "Sure. I mean its not like my back is important to me." Tyler realised the sarcasm in your voice and said with just as much sarcasm: "Hahaha. Very funny, now lets go." You nod your head subtly in agreement that you were going to follow him.

(In SpongeBob narrator voice) Several hours later

You and Tyler are siting in the Cortex with the rest of the team after spending a day following Wells. Finally Wells made a move and said: "I am going to head home. Enjoy your night everyone." And with that he starts wheeling out of the Cortex. You nudge Tyler and say: "I think we're going to do the same. *Yawn* It's been a long day. Lets go Ty." Tyler gets the message and gets up to leave and says: "Goodnight guys. See you all tomorrow." You and Tyler leave and start following Wells again and see him stop at a wall and put his hand to it and a second later the wall starts to open, leaving you and Tyler shocked but yet gleeful that you were right. After a few minutes of waiting for Wells to leave the Time-Vault, the door opened and showed Wells leaving, finally going home. Tyler nudged you awake-ish and you both got up after you deemed it was safe to do so and started looking around the wall to find the open button thing. After a few seconds of randomly palming the wall, the door opposite you opens and you see what Wells was hiding, his Reverse Flash suit. Tyler is the first to break the now growing silence by saying: "Yes! I knew Wells was hiding something!" You nudge and shush Tyler in case. You both start looking around and see a console type thing in the corner of the room and make your way towards it. Tyler puts his hand on it and you both see Gideon. She whirs to life and says: "Good to see you again Y/N L/N and Tyler (Last Name).

(So I don't want to reveal his last name because Tyler is a real person for me and I don't know if he wants me to say his surname so I just won't.)

After conversing with Gideon you decide to ask her the question that has been bugging you and Tyler for the half hour that you were in the Time-Vault: "Who or what is Dr. Wells? Is he the Reverse Flash?" Tyler nods his head in agreement. Gideon answer your question and says: "Eobard Thawne is from the future and he used Wells as his body for this time. He is the Reverse Flash the speedster who rivals The Flash and who killed Barry Allen's mother in front of him, sending his father to jail and Barry to become the Flash." You and Tyler stood there shocked that Wells or Thawne as you now knew killed Barry's mother in front of him. You finally break the silence and start throwing your hands up in victory and scream: "Yes! We were right about him!" After seeing Tyler's face you finally stop and say: "I mean I'm not happy that he killed Barry's mother in front of him, I'm just happy that we were right and didn't follow Wells or Thawne for nothing." You stand there looking innocent when Tyler says: "What if she tells him that we were here? And that we know?" Gideon interrupts your inbound response and says: "I would not tell Thawne of your arrival Tyler." You interrupt and ask why. Gideon responds with: "Because you saved me Y/N L/N." And then Tyler pulls you out and Gideon shuts down.

End of Flashback: (Whew, that was a whirlwind to write. What do you think? Did you like it or was it terrible?)

As you bring yourself back to reality you see Wells in-front of you and realise that this is actually happening. Tyler breaks the long silence and says: "What are you talking about Dr. Wells?" He starts applauding and then speeds out of his chair and neither of you so much as flinch. You realise you messed up. "Not even a flinch. Wow. I would've expected that from Barry but you, now that is surprising indeed." Dr. Wells continues: "You don't flinch when I step out of that chair let alone speed towards you two which means that you know who I am or rather what I am." He says that last part in his RF voice. You break the silence and say: "Yeah we know... Thawne" Wells seems to revel in his name and says: "It has been centuries since I have been addressed with that name. I enjoyed it. But now I cant have you jeopardising my plans." His hand starts vibrating and Tyler throws a fireball at him and you two run out of there. Wells catches up almost instantly and stands in-front of you menacingly. "Did you really think you could outrun me?" In quick thinking you pull out the speedster tranquiliser that you took earlier and throw it at Thawne and as it hits him you run away. Meanwhile Thawne pulls out his tranquiliser and follows you. As you and Tyler get home there is a gust of wind and Thawne stands in front of you both. His hand starts vibrating and he says: "Don't say anything about what happened here to Barry or this (Vibrating his hand and brings it closer to your heart) will kill you in a second. Don't test me boys. You have no idea who I am and what I can do." He speeds out leaving you and Tyler at a loss for words.

A/N: And there it is the next chapter. Little bit late but I think I made up for it with the length. We have about 1800+ words in this one. So what do you think? Was that chapter good or was it terrible. I tried to show that there were people that were suspicious of Wells even before Joe. I was supposed to be doing my project today but I thought lets not keep them waiting any longer. And so I did this instead of my project. I think in the next chapter I will flesh out you and Tyler more and maybe give you a backstory. Show what happened to you as a child, how you met Tyler and stuff like that. Let me know what you think.

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