He is Evil!

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A/N: So sorry I know I said in my last update that I would update in a weak but I had to do a CAT project and it was hard and I had so much homework so here I am updating now. Sorry again but without further ado here is the next chapter.

(Your POV) STAR Labs

So it's been 2 weeks since Wells threatened Tyler and myself and we have really been actively trying to avoid him. I think Caitlin has started to notice that Tyler and myself are acting weird lately but we can't tell her. Can we? No that would be stupid. Wells is a mentor to her and her hero. She would hate me if I told her. As I am closing up my inner monologue Tyler walks into the Cortex. "Yo you been staring at that screen for 30 minutes bro. You good?" Tyler speaks up when he enters the room. You jump at the sudden voice but quickly compose yourself and say. "I'm just thinking about this whole Wells thing." Tyler looks at you and then glances into the hallway. "You can't say anything to Caitlin about this. You would be putting her life and the teams lives in danger. We just have to wait it out." You ponder what he said and you know he is right. "You're right but I feel like they need to know."

As you said that Barry and the rest walk in. "Who needs to know what?" Barry asks while going to the desk." You and Tyler are shocked and are about to tell them when Wells wheels in. "Yes who needs to know what?" Wells says in a subtle threatening tone that only you and Tyler picked up. "You need to know that-" Tyler cuts himself off when he sees Wells glaring at him and subtly vibrating his hand. "That we are taking the weekend off." Tyler finishes. Everyone except Caitlin seems to accept that answer. "Brian, Tyler can I talk to you in private?" Everyone in the room looks to you and after what seemed like an eternity of silence, Cisco speaks up and says "OOOHHH You in Trouble son!" Everyone laughs and finally you and Tyler follow Caitlin. (This is in the room with the speed treadmill. Not sure what it is called but I know that the Speed Lab isn't there yet so I will use this room.)

Caitlin is the first to speak up and says. "What is going on? You two have been acting weird for 2 weeks now. Every time Wells gets into a room you both walk out. And earlier you both shifted when Wells walked in like you wanted to run out of there as fast as possible." You look at each other in shock. "Whaaaat? Noooo. We don't act like that." You say with as much confidence and strength as you could muster. "Your voice cracked. It only ever does that when you lie. So what are you lying about?" You try to deny that but Caitlin simply raises her index finger and glares at you almost to say "Don't even try to lie to me again." You turn to Tyler with a look that he knows all too well. "No. Absolutely not. We cannot tell her." He whisper shouts at you. "Well we clearly can't lie to her. She is way too smart for that." You whisper back. In the background, Caitlin is getting impatient but decides to let you have your talk. "It is putting her in danger." Tyler says. You respond with. "Maybe so but she needs to know. If not everyone else at least just her." With pleading eyes you look at Tyler. "You know that she wouldn't believe you and that she would hate you and I for even thinking that he is evil." You look back at Caitlin and see that she is getting impatient. "It doesn't matter. She needs to know." Tyler stares at you, sighs and then finally speaks up. "Okay fine. We tell her."

Both of you turn to Caitlin and tell her the events that transpired 2 weeks ago and to say she looked shocked would be an understatement. After a very awkward silence, Caitlin bursts out laughing and says in between breaths. "You are crazy." When the laughter dies down she looks at you both and sees nothing but seriousness and a little bit of terror in your eyes. "Oh. You're not joking. Oh. You can't be serious. Wells was almost killed by the Reverse Flash the other day and you are saying that he is the Reverse Flash. That makes no sense. You can't be in 2 places at once. There is no way that my boss, my mentor is the person that killed Barry's mom." Tyler looks at you with a smug "I told you so" look. You ignore him and turn to Caitlin instead who looks distressed and say. "I know this is a lot to take in but I really am not lying. I would never lie. Not to you." (Who gets that reference. If you do get it, have a cookie.)

While you and Catlin are talking, Barry is stopping a tidal wave from hitting the city. And Cisco is checking what went wrong with the forcefield and receiving a visit from Thawne.

Cisco POV

I was busy checking what went wrong with the forcefield the other day when RF almost killed Dr. Wells when RF pops up again in the forcefield and starts reciting what he said the other night. That is when I realise that it was all fake. The elevator doors pop open and Wells steps out. "You're incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said so." Wells says as he walks in. "You're him. The Reverse-Flash." I say with pure shock and realisation. "You and I haven't been truly, properly introduced. I am Eobard Thawne." Wells introduces himself. "Thawne? Like Eddie." I ask. "Let's call him a distant relative." He says. "The night that we trapped the Reverse-Flash, you almost died. There were two of you." I say with a hint of realisation. Thawne then vibrates his body and creates a second him. "It's an after-image. A speed mirage, if you will." He walks away and the mirage dissipates. I start rubbing my forehead and say to myself. "Joe was right. You were there that night, 15 years ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen." I say in pure shock that Joe was right about my mentor. Pulling me out of my daze, Thawne speaks up and says. "It was never my intention to kill Nora. I was there to kill Barry." He closes the laptop I was using. He moves closer to me. "Why? You're his friend. You've been teaching him how to..." you say when Thawne starts circling you.

"Go faster. I know, a means to an end. And I'll tell you why. Because I have been stuck here, marooned here in this place for 15 long years. And The Flash and The Flash's speed is the key to my returning to my world. To my time. And no one is going to prevent that from happening" He finishes with an eerie tone as he finally stops circling me. On the verge of tears in a last ditch effort I say. "I can help you." Wells looks around then at me and says. "You're smart, Cisco. But you're not that smart." He starts vibrating his hand at inhuman speeds. I look down now crying. "Do you know how hard it has been to keep all of this from you, especially from you?" He says with conviction in his voice. I start crying harder and glance down to his vibrating hand. "Because the truth is, I've grown quite fond of you." With those words I look up to him with tears in my eyes. He continues. " And in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son." He pauses and then shoves his vibrating hand into my heart. My mouth opens agape and I stare at him in shock. "Forgive me, but to me, you've been dead for centuries." He says while I stare at him in pure shock, agony, betrayal and fear.

3rd Person POV

Thawne rips his hand out and Cisco falls to the ground... Dead. Thawne takes a moment to look at Cisco and then leaves. While that is happening Barry is running back and forth to stop the tidal wave and then he goes back in time one day, essentially erasing everything that happened. Including Cisco's death and you telling Caitlin about Wells.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the very late update. Tell me what you think. For the Wells and Cisco scene I used a dialogue website: https://www.quotes.net/mquote/897266 for the dialogue part and for the scene descriptions I just watched the scene again. Also sorry for the cliffhanger I just hurt my hand the other day in a cricket match and it is so sore. But yeah what do you think?

male reader x Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost Where stories live. Discover now