What did you do Barry!!!???

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A/N: So just a few words. First off: 1000 reads!!!??? What the hell? How did I get this many already? Thanks to everyone that has been reading and it is for that reason that I am writing another chapter which brings me to my second thing: I felt like you all needed a new chapter and I had quite a few ideas for it so yeah. Plus I am not going to school till Tuesday. So without Further ado I give you the 8th chapter. Enjoy. Also sorry if my writing completely sucks.

3rd Person POV

Barry was running back on forth on the waterfront after Iris and Barry kissed. (Always hated him and Iris as a couple. It always felt so forced and she only cared for him in that way when she found out that he was the Flash... sorry that We are the Flash. Always hated that. Anyways enough of the rant and back to the story) As he was running at what was definitely his highest speed he was suddenly pushed through a wormhole and then realised that he had gone back in time by a day?

Your POV

I woke up like I did every other morning... Begrudgingly. I very slowly got out of bed, stretched and then went down to my home gym. As I was working out I heard Tyler scream out in what sounded like pain? I ran up to his room. (If y'all are confused Tyler and Y/N are roommates) As I ran in I saw Tyler had shot out of bed like he had just had a nightmare which was confusing since normally I have the nightmares every night so this was uncharted territory for me. I wasted no time in running to his side. "What happened Tyler? Did you have a nightmare?" Tyler stands across from me and tries to regain his composure enough to talk. "Take your time Ty, I'm here if you want to talk about it." I say to calm his nerves and let him know that I wouldn't pressure him into talking if he doesn't want to. Especially when I know exactly what this feels like. After a silence that wasn't quite comfortable but also not uncomfortable, Tyler spoke up.

"I had a nightmare." You listen to him wholeheartedly and nod your head for him to continue which he does. "It was more of a feeling of Deja Vu rather than a nightmare. Like I had lived the events before. Like they were memories rather than dreams. But then they just stopped." I take a moment for the words to sink in and then I ask. "What happened in these 'memories'?" Tyler seems lost in thought for a moment and then finally says. "We had been confronted by Caitlin about why we were acting weird and then we told her about Wells being the Reverse Flash. She thought we were crazy at first and then she just got mad for us even thinking that Wells was evil and killed Barry's mom. Then it all goes black like there are no more memories to relive." You pull Tyler into a hug. As you touch him you find yourself in a dream state.

In the Dream state

You, Tyler and Caitlin are all sitting in the treadmill room. You turn to Caitlin after Tyler reluctantly gives in and lets you tell her. After telling her what Wells did and who he is Caitlin stares at you shocked and then bursts out laughing saying that you are crazy. She then goes on a rant saying that there is no way her boss and her mentor is an evil speedster that killed Barry's mom. After telling her that it is the truth and that you would never lie to her, she looks at you both with a very unimpressed look. "You really believe what you're saying is true, don't you?" Tyler looks at you with a look that says told you she wouldn't believe us.' You look back to Caitlin and almost get lost in her soft brown eyes and finally break the silence by saying. "I know this must be really hard to believe, but we are telling the truth Cait." Caitlin stares at you both trying to find a shred of dishonesty but sees none. As she is staring at you, Wells walks in.

Caitlin stares at him, realising now that you and Tyler were right. "Caitlin, I didn't think you would still be here. I really wish you hadn't been here. You leave me no other choice." As he says that you walk right in front of Caitlin in a futile attempt to protect her. Wells sees this and laughs. Putting on his RF voice he says. "Do you really think that you can protect her?" Without missing a beat and as much confidence as you can muster, you say. "I can sure as hell try." He speeds forward knocking you out of the way. Tyler tried shooting a fireball at him but he just dodged it and put Tyler in a chokehold. You tried getting up but quickly realised that it was only pain. Caitlin was frozen in shock.(Anyone catch that?) RF drops Tyler and does the vibrating hand thing. (Not sure what it's called) He then speeds up to you, sits you up and says. "You are going to watch." He then goes up to Caitlin and says. "I really wish you hadn't been her but no-one will stand in the way of my goal." As he finishes, he kills Caitlin. He then turns to you as you let out the most agonising scream ever, and kills you. You finally snap back to reality and see Tyler looking at you with concern. You couldn't find the energy to say anything and that worries Tyler even more until he sees you clutch your heart and he realises that you had the same dream.

He is the first to break the silence. "He killed you as well?" You could do nothing but simply nod. "And Caitlin?" He asks. You just look up at him and then back down to the floor which gives him all the confirmation he needs. You just stare at each other solemnly for what feels like eternity. You are both brought out of your silence when the Meta alarm goes off and you have to go back to STAR Labs. Without another word you and Tyler start getting ready while you wonder how the hell you had the same dream as him. You shrug it off and put in your best poker face so that Caitlin doesn't ask you anything. You can't watch her die. Not again. Not ever again you promise yourself. You would do anything to keep to that promise.

Tiny Time skip. Brought to you by Caitlin's unfathomable beauty.

As you and Tyler pull up to the STAR Labs parking you exchange some looks as having a full conversation. Both of you walk in and head to the Cortex where the whole gang except Barry is seemingly waiting for you. Your eyes then land on the face you had been dreading... Wells. You hide your debilitating fear very well. A trait you had picked up when you were younger. Tyler also seems to be hiding it quite well which you are grateful for. "Hey guys." You say. Everyone responds with a hey or something along those lines. Your E/C eyes somehow find their way to Caitlin's brown eyes. Not that you are complaining. You could stare at those eyes for hours and not get tired of them. Caitlin looks away blushing at the eye contact you shared which brings a very light smirk to your face. Tyler takes note of the entire interaction between the two of you and smiles.

A/N: So a bit of a shorter chapter than the last one but I was struggling with my ADHD today. My hands were shaking so much and I had a panic attack so it took like 4 hours to write but I got it done. At least. I was also struggling with ideas for this chapter. Please lemme know what you guys think. That criticism will help me make the story better so it would help a lot if you could tell me what you guys think of this book. But anyways hope you all had a nice public holiday and long weekend. And hope you all stayed hydrated.

Bye for now

male reader x Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost Where stories live. Discover now