11. Gotta Love Them Damn Giraffes

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So, the next couple of chapters are going to be the 1989 timeline chapters only as I have just realized that while things were moving pretty quickly in the 2003 parts of the story, the 1989 timeline needs to catch up as you all need to know exactly what's happened between Nikki and Marshall in the past, before they finally go on TV together and do the interview in 2003.

So yeah, I hope you guys don't mind the full flashback chapters, I have no idea which parts of the story you all like more, the present time or the past...

Marshall's P.O.V.


I've been tired as fuck lately cause I had to pick up extra shifts at this restaurant I work part time as a dishwasher. Since Nikki wants to me take her to the damn zoo and shit, still don't know why she wanna do that for. I was too embarrassed to tell her that I ain't got zoo money like that, hell, I barely have fast food joint money and I was kinda hoping she would just wanna go eat somewhere, but nah, she wanna go on an expensive date.

So yeah, imma have to work hard for that, I guess, which ain't easy with my goddamn mother already taking half of my damn paycheck all the time.

I swear, Kim was so much easier to deal with, matter of fact, I ain't even had to take Kim anywhere on a date ever, we always just chilled at the house.

Maybe Nikki is worth it though, I don't know, cause I ain't gonna front she is actually the nicest that any other chick has ever been to me. When she said she was gonna tutor me and help me with my math problem, I thought she was just talking shit, but she was dead ass serious. Every day for the rest of the week she sits with me at the school's library and she's been helping me out with those math problems, and the thing is, something about the way she explains that shit to me, even if she can be kinda bossy sometimes, she does make me get stuff. Kim woulda been told me I'm dumb as fuck if I couldn't understand something, but with Nikki, it's like she's got patience. Who knows, maybe if she continues to tutor my ass I'll be able to finally pass 9th grade for real? I don't fucking know...

DeAngelo has been giving me real hell lately though. I can't stand this motherfucker. I hate that he's bigger than me. I ain't scared of him but I ain't a fool neither, I know he can easily beat my ass if he gets a fucking opportunity, so I've been staying on guard when it comes to him..

Proof's been telling me to stay close to him so if DeAngelo ever tries something we could just jump him together or some shit, but how imma look like hiding behind my dawg like that. Nah, if I do end up facing off with DeAngelo one day, I guess imma just have to face him on my own.


And today is Saturday so I wake up bright and early. Couldn't sleep most of the night anyway cause I was nervous for whatever reason.

Kim had sneaked up into my room late at night too, something she ain't done in weeks now and I think it must be cause she's been hearing rumors at school about me and Nikki, so she might be getting a little jealous. Good, about time I gave this fucking girl a taste of her own medicine, and it looks like my plan is working.

Now part of me feels kinda bad that I'm using Nikki like that cause honestly she's a dope ass girl and she don't deserve that shit but fuck it, it ain't like she could ever actually like me for real. I mean, why would she like somebody like me?

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