28. Daddy's Little Girls

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I know that I have previously published this chapter. But the thing is, I was not happy with how it, and the chapter after it came out, so I'm slightly re-editing it. Not necessarily too many major changes in this chapter, but I still feel like it needs work before I can move on to writing new chapters, so please just be patient with me lol

Nikki's P.O.V.

Three months later...

"Yo, I need to tell you something," Marshall announces as soon as he opens the front door to his house to me.

No greeting, no nothing.

Welp, it really can't wait, I guess.

It's so weird.

We haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks now. What, with me being back in LA for those two weeks, and him having to do all kinds of promotional stuff for both his new upcoming album/8 Mile soundtrack, plus getting ready for the tour he is soon supposed to be going on.

And me having another audition lined up in LA, for this action movie, yes, it hasn't been easy at all for us to see each other lately.

But now that we finally do, he seems all distant and he announces right from the get go that he's got to tell me something?

I don't know, it just can't be good.

I'm trying to fight it, but deep down inside, I feel so nervous.

"What is it?" I ask suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Come in first, sweetheart," he chuckles, taking one of my bags out of my hands and pulling me inside his house, wrapping his arms around me, he kisses my lips softly, but I tense up, I feel on guard and I don't know what to expect.

"What did you want to tell me, Marshall?" I pull away from him, looking right at him suspiciously as the front door shuts behind me with a click of the locks.

"Damn sweetheart, always gotta cut straight to the chase, ain't you?" He chuckles again, regarding me with a somewhat tense stature that contradicts the serene expression on his face.

"God, what is it, Marshall?! What you do you want to tell me?!" I freak out while looking at him.

Let me find out he fucking cheated on me or something.

Marshall doesn't answer me. Instead he grabs my hand in one of his.

"Come," he states, pulling me behind him.

Into one of his living rooms.

Where two little girls are sitting waiting patiently on the couch in front of the TV.

Oh no...

"What I wanted to tell ya is that it's about time you meet my daughters," Marshall says fondly and he lets go of my hand and heads towards the two girls instead.

The both of them peering curiously at me.

While I stand a bit stiffly to the side.

One Marshall gives them the go ahead, them the go ahead, the two of them tentatively approach me.

"Hi," one of them says. She's a big older girl with dark brown hair.

The other one, the blonde one, she seems kind of shy and she sort of hides behind Marshall's leg as he stands in between the two of them, holding their small hands in his large palms.

Damn, why did he have to just spring this on me like this?!

I force myself to swallow whatever awkwardness I have in me right now. Honestly, I have never been good with kids. Never had to deal with kids at all really, until this moment.

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