22. Insecure

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"So, I had wanted to speak to you about something, actually," Nikki says as the car takes off.

She doesn't look at me, just stares outside the tinted window, trying to make out the view of the streets pacing by.

"What's that?" I smirk, looking her over. I ain't gonna even front, she looks good. Always has. The motherfucking bitch.

"I need to ask you something, Marshall, and it's serious," she sighs, still not looking at me.

I register that she is nervous and that catches me off guard a lil bit. This girl is never nervous. So this is about to get real interesting.

"Go on, spit it out, yo," I smirk, scratching my head through my durag.

Nikki takes a deep breath.

"Now that you know we are going to be in this movie together, are you going to like... sabotage me?" She asks, playing with her fingers.

"Yo, what the fuck?" I frown.

"Oh, common, Marshall!!" She rolls her eyes. "I can't stand you, you can't stand me. And you are this big star, while I'm technically a nobody. If you wanted to, you could tell the director to replace me, have my part in the movie recast by some other actress and I just want to know if you are planning to do that. To like, get back at me for how I had exposed you during that interview."


Fuck, I ain't even think about it like that, but she is technically right, I could get Curtis to get rid of her of I really wanted to. And she's scared. This is her big break, something she has always wanted, and I have the power to take it away from her. How the fucking tables have turned. I would fucking laugh if I wasn't so fucking angry right now.

"Yo, do you really think," I start to speak through gritted teeth, staring hard at her and she still won't even meet my fucking gaze, and that just gets me even more pissed. "Fucking look at me!" I grab her chin and forcibly turn her face towards mine. She stares daggers at me when I do so, but she doesn't say a word. "Do you really think that fucking low of me, sweetheart?" I hiss, purposefully calling her the word she hates being called just to throw her off balance. "You really think I'm that much of an asshole, Nikki?"

"Shit, I don't know. You are capable of anything, as far as I'm concerned. And you are petty as hell, so I wouldn't be at all surprised," she replies back calmly, pressing her palms flat against my chest. "And back the fuck off me, Marshall, don't fucking touch me."

I move back slightly, letting go of her face.

"Well, to answer your fucking question then, nah, I ain't gonna fuck you over, Nikki," I reply as calmly as I can. I swear I wanna strangle her ass right now. "I know how much this whole acting shit means to you, I won't take that away from you. As much as I don't want to be in this fucking movie with you, you ain't lying about that," I grumble.

"Well, we just suck it up and be professional about it then," Nikki concludes, and I just nod at her.

We spend the rest of the car ride in silence.

I keep thinking to myself just how much of a motherfucking bitch this chick is, and how much of a nightmare she's made my life ever since walking back into it. And now she's about to cause even more chaos it seems. But shit, I did kind of missed her crazy ass...

"What the actual fuck, Marshall?!" Nikki exclaims loudly, bringing me out of my thoughts as protests once the car pulls up in front of the gates leading up to my house.

"This where I live," I shrug, looking at her all nonchalant like it's the most normal thing for my driver to take both of us to my place even though she clearly gave him the address to the hotel where she's staying with her friend.

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