29. Just As Fucked Up As Him

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Nikki's P.O.V.

Marshall and I and the girls are all currently having a straight up food fight going on in the kitchen.

Don't ask me how it started or who started it.

It just... happened this way, and as gross as it is, it's also kind of fun.

I haven't just let go and been silly like this in a very long time.

"Mommy!!" Hailie then suddenly exclaims, just as Marshall was about to tickle the hell out of her as he chased her down on the kitchen.

And that one word from an innocent child's mouth was more than enough to immediately remove all of the previous joy from her father's face.

Marshall and I both simultaneously turn towards where Hailie is looking at and we see a tall blonde woman standing with her arms crossed over her chest, observing all of our shenanigans with clear displeasure written on her face.

I stare back at her and recognize her immediately, of course.

Kim hasn't changed all that much iver the years. Aside from the fact that she is looking somewhat warn out now. Tired.

"Well hello, Nikki," she says coldly.

"Hi, Kim," I reply in the same exact manner.

"Long time no see. Apparently you still like my sloppy seconds," Kim then smirks, causing both of her daughters to look from her and I in confusion.

"Yo, Kim, what the..." Marshall starts to angrily say but quickly catches himself. I've noticed that he never cusses around his girls ever. "What are you even doing here?" He then adds.

"Just wanted to see if the rumors are true that I've been hearing lately. And apparently, they are," Kim casually replies. She stares at me with so much anger in her eyes that if looks could kill, I would be dead right now. Then again, she would be too. Because I am just as pissed off upon seeing her for the first time after all these years. There's no love lost between me and Marshall's ex-wife, obviously.

"Marshall, I need to speak to you. Right now," Kim then states.

"Ooooo, dad, you are in trouble!" Alaina then coos, almost excited like, clearly not realizing what the situation really is. Kids...

"I'm not in trouble, baby girl. Mommy and I, we just need to straighten some things out right quick," Marshall then replies, looking hard at Kim.

He then breaks his gaze away from her and looks down at me as his hand lands at the small of my back.

He doesn't say anything at all to me as him and Kim walk out and move to a different room to apparently have this talk.

After that day, nothing is the same between us.

I feel insecure.

Seeing Kim in person, seeing in her eyes how she is still clearly not over Marshall, it gave me like this mini anxiety attack and it reminded me very vividly of our past.

Especially considering the fact that, after she and Marshall returned, Kim pulled me to the side, smiling smugly at me.

"So, how you been, Nikki?" She smirked, "I've heard you are finally making it in Hollywood, congrats."

"And I've heard you are still a cheap ass hoe," I replied dryly. "Congrats on that too."

"Oh, is that what HE told you?" Kim coos. "Let me tell you something, Nikki. Marshall, he's a liar. A pathological one at that. If you really think you've won some type of a prize by fucking him, then you are dead ass wrong, girl, and that's all I have to say about it."

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