26. Funny Acting Females

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"So what do you want from me, Marshall?" Nikki questions, walking through the doors of my home.

By some miracle, I managed to get her here so now I'm giving her a lil tour.

We eventually stop at where I have an out door pool and she kind of looks around.

"That's nice," she comments appreciatively. "But once again, what do you want from me?"

I frown, looking at her. She looks so pretty. But I'm kinda tempted to throw her ass in the water though. Don't ask me why.

"What you mean, baby?" I ask.

She huffs impatiently.

"Like..." she stretches her words out, rolling her eyes at me. "... do you want to just fuck me again?"

"I mean... if you offering sweetheart," I smirk, watching her throw daggers at me with her eyes.

Don't know what she getting so offended for, she the one that asked the damn question.

"Nah, but Nikki, that's not all I want from you, obviously," I sigh. She really wanna be difficult, I see. "Cause if I wanted just that then I could get it anywhere."

"So what do you..."

"For fuck's sake, Nikki! Ya already know the answer to that, you know what the fuck I want. I want you to be my girl."

"Why?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

I chuckle.

She's fucking impossible sometimes, for real. She knows exactly why cause I already told her. She knows I'm in love with her. She just likes to torture me, I guess.

"Girl, ask me a dumb question like that again, and I'm throwing you in that water," I glance towards the pool threateningly.

"You wouldn't fucking dare," Nikki crosses her arms over her titts, pouting.

"Nah?" I ask, rasing my eyebrows at her.

"Marshall..." she starts to say warnigly, backing away from me.

I chase her and easily snatch her up.

"Don't you... Don't even think about it!!" She fights agaisnt me, but let's face it, I'm stronger.

I pick her up and carry her to the edge of the pool.

"Marshall, fucking NO!!" Nikki warns. It's funny, cause she sounds almost panicked.

"What, you can't swim or something? Don't worry, it ain't that deep in there," I smirk. Though it might be kinda deep. For her height.

"Marshall, I know how to fucking swim!! I just don't want to get wet. My hair would revert!!"

"Huh? Your what?" I manage to scratch the back of my head as I'm balancing Nikki's light weight against my body. I hover her closer to the water.

"God, my hair, dumbass!!" She exclaims exaggeratedly. Not the way to talk to a dude that's about to dunk you into some cold ass water if you ask me. "It will like revert, go back to it's natural texture, get all frizzy and curly and shit!!" Nikki continues to exagerrate all dramatic like as if that shit would really be the end of the motherfucking world. I ain't gonna lie to you, I have no idea why it's such a big fucking deal to her, who cares...

Imma take advantage of it though.

"So, would ya be my girl then? Imma throw you right in if you say no," I smirk.

"God, Marshall!!" She rolls her eyes, them shuts them real tight. "Fuck it, throw me then, I don't care!!"

Well damn. Guess she ain't give that many fucks about her hair, how she called it? Reverting or whatever. She really don't wanna be my fucking girl that bad, shit, fuck her then.

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