24. Jealousy Woes Part 1

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Nikki's P.O.V.

The next day, we have to film a bunch of scenes.

Some of them I'm in, some I'm just hanging out on set. Marshall is in every single scene of course though. No wonder he's exausted.

Today he looks tired and drained and practically like he's sleepwalking on set, but he pulls it all together and perks up whenever he has to be on camera.

Right now, they are filming a scene where his character, Jimmy, is having an argument with his mother's asshole of a boyfriend, he throws a beer bottle at him and they are all in each other's faces screaming at the top of their lungs until Jimmy's sister walks in on them.

Jimmy's mother and her boyfriend are played by the actors Kim Basinger and Michael Shannon respectively. My first thought seeing Kim Basinger being Oh my God, she's such a great actress and a legend!! It's kind of intimidating to be honest.

My second thought was that I've noticed just how weird her and Marshall were with each other when the cameras weren't rolling. Maybe it was just me, but she did seem a bit too touchy-feely with him, and I eventually start to get sick to my stomach. It's pretty obvious to me that he's hit it before, and ew, just no. Like, seriously, Marshall?! This woman is old enough to be your mother, AND she IS playing your damn mother in this movie, like is he fucking for real?! Is there a woman he hasn't fucked at this point?!

Also, he clearly has a thing for blondes. And women named Kim...

"Are you okay?" A deep cheerful voice asks me, bringing me out of my thoughts

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"Are you okay?" A deep cheerful voice asks me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I realize that at this point I've been sitting around on set pouting and staring daggers at where Marshall is standing talking to Kim Basinger.

I look up and see the actor Mekhi Phifer, who plays Jimmy's best friend and mentor, Future, in the movie, smiling a big toothy grin at me. Damn, he's got a whole lot of teeth, but he does have a nice smile.

 Damn, he's got a whole lot of teeth, but he does have a nice smile

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"Hey, yeah, I'm cool," I reply nonchalantly.

"Mind if I sit here with you?" Mekhi then asks me.

"Sure, why not."

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