forget all the shooting stars

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(A/N): holaaaa. So like it says in the description, this is actually a disaster h/w assignment that i originally intended to burn. But one of my friends convinced me not to, so here i am.

btw, the title is a lyric from the song 'for him.' by Troye Sivan. just fyi.

umm so for people who don't know voltron---

Voltron: Legendary Defender is an animated series on Netflix that's set in the future and mainly focuses on seven characters, which are four teenagers (Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge), a  young adult (Shiro), an Altean princess (Allura), and her royal advisor (Coran).

Voltron is kind of like a Transformer but instead of cars, five giant, sentient mecha-lions that can be piloted form each of the limbs. The pilots (Paladin is the word used in the series) need to work together in order to form one giant robot.  This... might be kinda hard to imagine, you could google it if you're confused as heck lol. but if you don't care and you're just here for the story, please continue reading!


Altea: a planet that was destroyed by Zarkon and his forces ten-thousand years ago (Allura and Coran are the last survivors)

King Alfor: Allura's father, creator of Voltron

Zarkon: antagonist of the show, leader of the Galra Empire

Galra: alien species led by Zarkon (who is a Galran himself)

Varga: roughly equal to an Earth hour

Galaxy Garrison (just garrison for short): a school on Earth that mainly teaches its students flying (as in piloting)

Commander Iverson: one of the officers at the garrison

Black: the Black Lion, formerly belonged to Zarkon

the "rivalry thing": in the show, Lance insists that Keith and he had a rivalry when Keith was still at the garrison (Keith was kicked out due to a "discipline issue")

and why do i care so much about whether you know voltron or not? cuz i may or may not have threatened my friends to read this. who are not familiar with the series. (whoops).

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the mentioned characters except 'the queen', Dreamworks does. Dreamworks also owns the series.

and the cover image is from pinterest.

enjoy! =D

You might think that after having battled about a hundred spaceships led by evil aliens, having been forced to make awkward small talk with random people at the following celebration, and stuffing yourself with alien junk food, you would be tired enough to fall asleep as soon as your head hit a pillow.

This is, unfortunately, not the case with Keith.

Earlier, the Team landed on Paiis, which according to Allura and Coran, is a very friendly planet whose King had been buddies with the original Team Voltron.

The initial plan was to check on Paiis' people and inform them about Voltron's return. Allura also intended to ask the current monarch ( "If there still is one at all," Pidge put in rather unceremoniously) if they wanted to join the Voltron Coalition. But barely a varga after their arrival, a swarm of fighter pods that belonged to the Galra Empire came out of the blue only to shoot at every exposed square inch of Paiis.

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