Chapter 56

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Author note: Thank you all for reading this far and still keeping up with this book. It's insane how many of you are still here, and how many friendships I have gained from this 2 book series that has been a 3, almost 4 year adventure.
But like all adventures, they must come to an end. I will be wrapping up Jimin X BTS Book 2 within these next 2 chapters. I apologize for the heartache you all must feel reading that line. I am now 19 and have big girl things to do in life which is ridiculous if you ask me. 

However the good news is that the boys will be back in a third book! However they will be back re-written. I do plan on re-writing the first two books before the third one comes out. This will take some time. But I will keep these versions you have read and come to love online for you guys, so don't worry. I again apologize in advance if the plot seems rushed or unfair. You will be mad at me for the ending. 

Love you lots <33 I do hope you all enjoy the ending. 
-Love Aurora

. . .

The anonymous tip the boys had received earlier in the week from Spence turned out to be correct. After hearing nothing from Minho, the man finally got back to them after checking the location. It seemed to match up with all the information from back home. They were heading there tonight. If they don't find anything, then they're on the way to Italy in the morning. 

As for the relationship status on everyone, curiously the elders had figured out a way to apologize. Which included a dinner, lots of messy rose petals they're still finding in the couch and long apologetic speeches on how their behavior was despicable. Jimin was certainly satisfied, having seen them apologize on their knees and what not. 

Namjoon had showed Jimin all of the information he was hiding before. More pictures and information on "TLS". Something felt off about it all but Jimin just couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe he was just nervous about the mission tonight. Maybe he would see Spence again. After all the kid did say they would see each other again soon. 

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung's voice brings Jimin out of his thoughts. He stops staring out the window, looking at the boy sitting in front of him on the couch. His fluffy hair is so cute. 

"Just the mission tonight, I have this feeling but I don't know how to describe it." The boy hums, running a hand through his fading blue hair. He'll have to touch it up once they get home. 

"Anything similar you've experienced before?" Taehyung takes Jimin's hand softly in his own, bringing it to his lips and kissing each finger. Jimin watches with endearment plastered on his face.

"I couldn't tell you." Jimin sighs out with a shrug of his shoulders. "What's everyone else doing?" 

"Everyone is going over mission details while Jungkook is taking a nap with candles on. He keeps muttering "I'm human too" over and over so maybe he's having a wild dream or something." Taehyung chuckles. 

"What details are we missing?" 

"Nothing much, Namjoon said what Minho sent them didn't add up so he's backtracking just in case it was a miscommunication on our end."

"What didn't add up though?"

"I don't know, Joon didn't say anything. Just kept muttering the same thing over and over until Hoseok brought everyone else in to go through the material."

"Do I need to go look it over too?" Jimin asks, leaning back on the couch's arm. 

"Nope, you'll just be doing what you did last mission. Enter with Joon, the layout is large. It seems to be an abandoned warehouse just outside of the city. Looks like a cool hangout spot to go get high." Taehyung laughs at Jimin playfully punching his arm. 

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