Chapter 13

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'Alright Jimin, nothing to be afraid of. You've been here before, it's not like anything is new, you're fine.' Jimin thinks as he wanders the hall of school, finding it a little refreshing to be back in somewhere familiar other than home or a hospital.

   Looking at his schedule, Jimin makes his way to room 129 for first period, Photography with Mrs. Cheng. Jimin raises a brow at the name, wondering if she's married or related too Dr. Cheng at the hospital. Walking in the room, every student will be seated at a computer, the walls covered in previous projects and beautiful photos by other students. 

"Park Jimin, welcome!" Mrs. Cheng smiles, looking at the boy who has his nose stuffed in his schedule. The mentioned boy looks up, smiling at the teacher. 

"Hello Mrs. Cheng." He smiles with a little bow. 

"You can take a seat wherever you wish." She glides her arm out, motioning to the class full of empty seats, only a few chairs taken. Jimin nods, walking to an empty row, sitting beside the last chair on the end, wanting at least some person to talk too hopefully. 

"Welcome everyone!" Mrs. Cheng exclaims, watching a large group of students make their way in the class, looking around the room. Thankfully, Jimin recognizes someone. 

"BamBam!" Jimin whisper yells, grasping the attention of the boy who is significantly taller. BamBam looks to Jimin, jaw dropping as he stops dead in his tracks, soon snapping out of it and running over, Jimin standing up knowing he'd want a hug. Just as BamBam drops his bag, he crouches a little to take the boy into a hug, picking him up and twirling him around. 

"Jimin you little squirt where have you been!?" BamBam laughs as he hugs the younger tighter, getting a genuine laugh out of Jimin as well before being set down. "Wait, don't answer that! I know where you've been Mr. Fucking New York dance competition winner of 15 grand!" BamBam squeals, the whole class watching their exchange, BamBam is very loud. 

"Hey shh! That's supposed to be a secret!" Jimin hushes with a jolly grin, smacking his hands over BamBam's mouth, only to get them licked. "Yah! I should slap you with your saliva." Jimin tsks, wiping his hand on his jeans. 

"Whatever, I-" 

"Alright everyone take a seat please, eyes to the screen." Mrs. Cheng claps her hands as the bell rings. BamBam shuts his mouth, sitting in his chair along with Jimin in his, everyone looking at the screen for morning announcements. Finally ending the show, Mrs. Cheng starts a slide show on the board. 

"You need to explain everything to us when we have lunch. Youngjae is going to flip, along with Mark." BamBam whispers while Mrs. Cheng starts going through slides on what the new project is. Just as she's exiting out of the slide show, her laptop home screen shows.

"Mrs. Cheng, you've never told us who those people are." A girl up front raises her hand. 

"Of course I'll explain everything at lunch, don't worry." Jimin quickly answers BamBam, his head then popping back in surprise as he sees the teacher's home screen. 

"Ah that's correct. Well this is my husband Johnny, and our daughter who is 5, Sunmi." Mrs. Cheng smiles, eyes falling to Jimin's view, giving him a small look as if saying she knows what's going on in his family. 

"Anyways, partner up. You guys will have until May 1st to complete this project." Mrs. Cheng smiles before handing the outline of the project out, stating everything you need. 

"Come see me after class please." Mrs. Cheng smiles, getting a nod from Jimin whom looks a little scared. 

"Partners?" BamBam grins without a second thought at what the teacher requested. 

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