Chapter 5

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This font is for Korean. 

"Where have you been kid?" The coach sees Jimin and Felix run up, keys clanking in the elder's hand. 

"Sorry, I saw a friend from Canada and had to say hello. I haven't seen him in 5 months." Jimin apologizes, handing the keys over and running with Felix back to the group. Jimin huddles everyone together, making sure they're comfortable in their outfits and their makeup is done. 

"Sweetie you cant keep rubbing your eyes like that, you'll ruin the girls's hard work." Jimin walks over to one of the younger dancers, maybe 14 at least. 

"I know, I'm sorry but it's itchy." She sniffs, trying hard not to rub around her eyes. If she can't see while she's dancing it'll mess everyone up. He looks to what he assumes is the girl's best friend standing a few feet away. 

"Hey bud, come here." Jimin calls out, grabbing the young boy's attention. 

"Yes Jimin? Oh wait, do you want me to call you hyung too?" The boy gasps cutely, knowing Jimin is from Korea and knowing the acronyms they use for each other. 

"No little dude, it's fine. But could you find one of the staff for me? Your friend says her makeup is itchy." Jimin ruffles the boy's hair, getting a smile and nod from him in return and runs off. 

"Come here." Jimin takes the girl lightly by her hand and leads her to a chair, sitting her down and wiping the small tears threatening to fall. 

"Hey, why are you crying?" Jimin pouts, not wanting his younger members to be upset.

"I'm messing things up, I knew I wasn't big enough to come here." She sniffles, hands twitching to rub her eyes. 

"What's your name honey?" Jimin asks, taking the girl's hands in his. 


"Alright Kellani, I know you're a big girl and can do this. You were part of every dance that got us here. I've seen you dance solos, you're very skilled for you age, same with your friend there." The elder soothes in a soft voice. The girls smiles and sniffles again, wiping her cheeks. 

"Thank you Jiminie." She giggles after Jimin makes a funny face. 

"Kellani, Jimin! I found someone." The boy comes barreling in with a confused staff being dragged by her hand into the room. 

"Good job buddy, now go back in line, we start soon." Jimin fist bumps the young one, earning a silly salute before turning back to Kellani and the staff. 

"I'm sorry if he was rough or anything, Kellani here is just having trouble with her makeup. She says it's irritating her eyes." Jimin apologizes, motioning to Kellani. 

"Oh not a problem, I know just how to fix it. Come with me sweetie." The staff holds a hand out for Kellani to take, following her to the makeup room again while Jimin returns to back stage where his team is lining up. 

"Is everyone here?" The elder asks his best friend, doing a mental head count. 

"Yes everyone is here, don't doubt my head counting." Felix rolls his eyes with a chuckle, looking to the stage crew walking around to set things up. As the act on stage ends and walks off with applause in the back, Kellani comes bounces back and tapping Jimin on the arm. 

"I'm all done!" She smiles brightly, eyes no longer itchy, sweater also changed to yellow. 

"What did she do?" Jimin asks, leading Kellani to her spot, taking note of her sweater. 

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