Chapter 53

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To say things were tense in the hotel room would be an understatement. Everyone was on edge after seeing Jimin let the other boy go. And Jimin was mad, yet in love with Namjoon at the same time. He's mad he kept information from him. Yet he's in love with the man who kissed him on a mission and asked to be his boyfriend. 

No one said anything on the way home, everyone doing their own thing after arriving at their rooms. As everyone washed up for the night, Jimin was busy trying to put puzzle pieces together. How did that Spence guy know who he and his family were, including Minho and being royalty? If Spence's knowledge wasn't a threat, where could he have come across this information? There's no way those other men working for the guy they're after would share that kind of information with someone new.

"Hey Jimin?" Hoseok appears at Jimin's door, knocking lightly. The blue haired boy stops his pacing, looking to the male at his door. He contemplates letting him in. He's knows everyone is still salty from his decision and doesn't need another lecture. Well he doesn't look hostile.

"What's up?" Jimin beckons him into the room with a head nod.

"Since we took down that attack today, we are free until another onee shows up later on this week." Hoseok starts, walking slowly into the room.

"I know Hoseok." Jimin gives him a tight lip smile sitting on the edge of his bed.

"So I was wondering if you'd want to hangout tomorrow? Maybe show me where you danced or something. I'd like to see the city... with you." Hoseok makes his way a little more confidently over to the boy.

"I don't know Hoseok, doesn't Namjoon want us staying here for our protection?" Jimin throws out the first excuse he thought of.

"That didn't stop you yesterday." Hoseok crosses his arms. "We haven't really spent time together alone in a while. You're usually off with Taehyung and JK or off with Jin and Joon somewhere." Jimin can see the slight pout forming on Hoseok's lips. "You said you wanted a vacation with us so I figured why not start tomorrow while we know we don't have anyone to worry about."

Jimin thinks for a minute. He does have a point, and if he's not losing his mind over him letting Spence go then maybe he could actually enjoy himself. Besides, Minho promised they would have time for themselves during this.

"I guess that sounds good. Do I need to plan the day out?"

"Well if you want to show me around in the morning, I can plan the afternoon. I figured we could leave around 10?" Hoseok's smile grows on his face.

"Yeah that sounds good." Jimin nods, mentally planning a few places to take the man.

"Thanks Jiminie." Hoseok briefly kisses the boy's cheek before walking to the door. "Goodnight!" And he's gone down the hall to his room. Jimin can't help the little smile that takes over his face. Pacing the rest of the night and fixating on Spence won't do him any good for sleep. Grabbing a towel and pajamas he heads out into the hall to the bathroom.

"Hey Jimin?" The boy looks to the person calling him.

"What's up Tae?" He asks, leaning on the doorframe to the bathroom.

"I wanted to ask you something, a little personal." Taehyung crosses his arms, swaying on his feet.

"I'm about to shower, can it wait until tomorrow?"

"I can shower with you, and we can talk." Taehyung states, already walking into the bathroom. Jimin can only sigh before heading inside and closing the door. Jimin starts the water, the two of them undressing before getting into the shower. The water falls from directly above them, enveloping their bodies in a steam bubble so not an inch of their skin feels cold.

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