3. Heartfelt Reunion, and Exploration of Dwargon

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Chapter 3: Heartfelt Reunion and Exploration of Dwargon.

(authors note: this chapter will alternate perspectives between Rimuru and Robin, I may do this more in the future, but it will not be a constant recurring aspect.)

New skills

Unique skill: possession.
Allows spirits to use your body temporarily, but can only work if the spirit is recently deceased, or more than 80% of their spiritual energy is within the vicinity.

Unique skill: split
Allows the user to remove their soul from their body, including magicule stores, (with slimes, enough magicules can allow them to reform themselves.)

Extra skill: sense spiritual energy
You can see ghosts when activated, as well as know if a person is a deathman or if they lack a soul entirely.

Sub skill: mutate
When the user experiences bad enough physical or psychological trauma, your already acquired skills have a chance of evolving, strengthening, or gaining a su-skill.

Part 1: Don't Drop The Soap!!
          I got nervous glances from almost everyone in line. Murmurs about my abilities and strength, even if it was a weak adventurer, began spreading throughout the line as I was being escorted past the security checkpoint, not like they could stop me from smuggling anything in any way, it would be nice if those rumors made it through the kingdom, it might make for some easier introductions and a more agreeable public.
           Because it was almost night, the guards decided to interrogate me the next day. Inside my cell, I decided to collect my thoughts through sleeping. While I slept, I thought of a few ways that I could get out of here. Slipping out would be the second-to-worst option right behind fighting my way out. It's not like it would be hard, but rather not make enemies before I even have a human form. My best option is diplomacy, if I can talk my way out then maybe I can make a few friends in high places. Of course, I also thought of Rimuru, what if we get put in the same cells together? That would be great!!
           I slept like a log, I hadn't slept for the past few days, and it seems like the fatigue added up. With 2 days until I wake up on the timer, I think of what I can do. Rimuru should arrive in about a day, and I can't wait to see him..

Part 2: Arrival
          Arriving at Dwargon, Gobuta and I walked/hopped into line when 2 jerks decided to pick a fight. "What are a couple of shrimp doing here, tell you what, we'll let you go if you hand over everything-" he glanced up for just a moment to see other patrons shushing him, "what is it?"
          "Haven't you heard of what happened a few days ago?"
          "What do you mean old man?!"
          "Yesterday, a rank b+ adventurer lost to a slime, right over there." the old man pointed to a place on the ground with some armor and some very disturbed ground. "It was Brock, he was at the top of his rank, but he left the guild after his defeat."
          The idiotic thug decided not to heed the old man's warning "they're just rumors, don't you understand old man? Not everything you hear is correct." wow, he's just digging himself into a hole, he's gonna have it much harder than that Brock guy though. I wonder if that other slime is Robin, I mean, how many strong slimes could be out there?
          Deciding I should interject I say "Believe what you want" turning to Gobuta "do you remember the first rule?"
          "Of course sir, never attack humans."
          "Well can you turn around, close your eyes, and cover your ears?" Hearing my orders, Gobuta quickly does as he's told. "So, you want to pick a fight with me, fool." putting on my intimidating voice.
          "A slime insulting a human, I could've sold you, but I've heard enough. Come on guys, let's roast this slime!!"
          "Oh ho, so you think I'm just a normal slime?" I totally am. "Well, show me what you've got." I say as I transform into my tempest wolf form. Come on, run away, I don't want to kill humans.
          "Give me all you've got guys, it's just an illusion."
          Fireballs, arrows, and blades come flying at me, but surprisingly they all bounce off me like they were toys. "Ohh, I think I felt an ich," I thought I was gonna die!!! "Now it's my turn." breathing deeply in preparation, planting my feet, "ROOOAAARRR!!!!" Oh no! That was definitely overkill, so many people passed out, ran away, or pissed their pants, even though it was only supposed to scare off those thugs who did end up running away as fast as they could after regaining their senses.
          The guards run over in a panic, some lagging behind, not wanting to confront me. One dwarven guard speaks up, "Another slime? What is going on? Come with me, you've got some explaining to do, slime." Was he using my species as an insult?
          Entering my cell with Gobuta in toe, I see a golden orb in the corner. They're not moving other than the occasional rise and fall of their form. Are they breathing? How are they doing that without lungs? "Robin? Are you there?" no response, I guess he really is asleep. Getting closer I notice their golden body. Mesmerized, I inch even closer till I'm pressed against them. It almost looks like a galaxy that took a bath in honey. They weren't moving, but the shimmering particles in their body were moving, shifting slightly.
          "Um, sir? What are you doing?" Gobuta pulled me back to reality, "do you know that slime?"
          "I believe this is a friend of mine, we grew up together." glancing back at the slime, it's gotta be Robin, right? How many other slimes, let alone golden slimes can there be out there? Once again mesmerized by their swimming form, it was almost hypnotic, imagining the specs were stars in the night sky. They were just as beautiful, and maybe even more plentiful as all the stars in the galaxy. "If I'm right their name is Robin."
          "Is it normal for slimes to do that? Because you've done it again." This is so embarrassing, what am I doing?
          "Of course it's normal" I had to lie, otherwise, it'll be weirder. "It wouldn't be normal if I didn't know them." Gobuta seemed satisfied with my answer and swiftly went to sleep, but I stayed glued to the slime, mesmerized by their swimming form, even as the sun came up the next day.

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