Chapter 11: Humans

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Chapter 11: Humans

(authors note: no sex this chapter, it'll come in with the next one ;) PS: I know the timeline is wack)

Part 1: Hot Springs. Robin
Waking to the gentle warmth of the morning sun streaming through the window, I find myself enveloped in Rimuru's comforting embrace, his rhythmic breathing lulling me back to consciousness. With a tender smile, I press a soft kiss to his cheek before extricating myself from his arms, the sensation of his warmth lingering as I rise to start the day.
As I make my way through our humble abode, a sense of anticipation prickles at my senses, a subtle shift in the air heralding the arrival of Shizu's companions. Stepping outside, I'm greeted by the bustling activity of our town, the familiar faces of Yohm and his party drawing my attention.
Approaching the trio with a sense of pride swelling within me, I sidle up beside them, a confident stance belying the excitement thrumming beneath the surface. "Welcome back, guys," I greet them warmly, my hands planted firmly on my hips as I survey their weary but determined visages, a testament to the progress we've made since their last visit.
Gobuta, ever the efficient aide, scurries off with a giant spider in tow, destined for Shuna's culinary expertise. With a silent exchange of thoughts, I entrust him with the task of attending to Yohm and his companions, a gesture of implicit trust in his capabilities.
"Robin? Is that really you?" Eren's voice cuts through the air, his eyes scanning me with a mix of surprise and admiration.
"Looking sharp, Robin," Kaval chimes in, his gaze appraising as he takes in my appearance.
Before the conversation can veer off course, Guido interjects, a hint of impatience tinging his tone. "Let's stay focused, shall we? We're here for a reason."
Arching an eyebrow in feigned curiosity, I redirect the conversation. "So, what brings you to our humble abode?" I inquire, masking my amusement beneath a façade of mild interest.
Guido sighs, the weight of their purpose evident in his expression. "We've come to seek audience with Rimuru," he explains, his gaze flickering to me briefly.
"And what about me?" I interject playfully, delivering a light punch to his chest. "Rimuru might be catching some extra Z's. How about I get you settled in? The hot springs are calling after your journey."
Fuze's cautious gaze lingers on me, a hint of skepticism coloring his scrutiny. "So, you're a slime then?" he remarks, his curiosity piqued.
With a mischievous grin, I beckon them to follow, my form shifting effortlessly as I lead the way to the soothing embrace of the hot springs. With a graceful leap, I transform into my slime form, the anticipation palpable as I guide them towards their destination.
As they immerse themselves in the rejuvenating waters, a collective sigh of relief escapes their lips, the tension of their journey melting away with each passing moment. Drifting lazily on the surface, I turn my attention to Fuze, the tranquility of the surroundings lending a serene air to our conversation.
"So, you wished to speak with Rimuru?" I inquire, my voice carrying softly over the gentle lapping of the water.
Fuze nods, his demeanor shifting slightly as he gathers his thoughts. "Regarding the recent orc lord incident... Are we to be wary of your intentions?" he ventures cautiously, his eyes betraying a hint of apprehension.
With a reassuring smile, I extend a calming presence, the faint ripple of magicules dancing upon the water's surface. "While we may not be entirely passive, rest assured that we seek only peace. Treat us with respect, and we shall extend the same courtesy in return," I assure him, the weight of my words punctuated by the subtle shift in the atmosphere.
Relieved, Fuze reclines back into the warm embrace of the water, a tentative smile gracing his features. "Thank you for clarifying," he murmurs gratefully, the tension dissipating with each passing moment.
Before our conversation can delve further, the soft sound of footsteps heralds Rimuru's arrival, a tray of steaming tea in hand. "Good morning, everyone," he greets cheerfully, his gaze alighting upon me with fondness as he joins us in the tranquil waters.
I chuckle softly, my slime form morphing into a makeshift bowl that envelops Rimuru from below. "Good morning, my little cutie," I murmur affectionately, squeezing him tightly within my slime embrace while the others watch on, their expressions a mixture of amusement and confusion. "Oh, by the way, Rimuru and I are an item," I announce gleefully, our combined forms floating serenely on the surface of the hot spring.
The collective gasp that follows echoes through the hot spring, the men's incredulous shouts drawing the attention of the women on the opposite side.
"What's all the commotion?" Erin's voice carries over the walls, her curiosity piqued by the sudden outburst.
"Seems like Rimuru and Robin are a thing!" Kaval's voice booms over the barrier, eliciting a chorus of delighted squeals from the other side.
Rimuru's slime flushes a deeper shade of blue as he addresses me, his embarrassment evident in the subtle shift of his form. "Maybe next time, break the news with a bit more finesse," he suggests sheepishly.
I shrug nonchalantly, squeezing him affectionately. "Eh, it was bound to come out eventually," I reply, my tone light-hearted despite his embarrassment.
Before the conversation can stray further, Fuze interjects, steering us back on track. "About the orc lord incident, did you two really defeat it?" he queries, his gaze flickering between Rimuru and me.
"Yeah, though I may have gotten a bit reckless," I admit sheepishly, a hint of embarrassment coloring my tone.
Rimuru interjects, his voice gentle but firm. "No, Robin played a crucial role in the battle. We should credit a human champion and highlight Tempest's support in equipping them," he suggests diplomatically, his gaze meeting Fuze's.
Fuze considers the proposal, his hand stroking his chin thoughtfully before nodding in agreement. "A mutually beneficial arrangement indeed," he concedes, a spark of enthusiasm igniting in his eyes.
"Speaking of plans, Rimuru, we can't forget about finding Shizu's students in Engracia," I remind him, playfully poking his slime form with my own.
He giggles at the gesture, clearing his throat before responding. "Right, we'll need to head to Engracia soon. Any advice?" he asks, turning to Fuze for guidance.
Fuze, unfazed by our antics, offers practical advice. "You'll need adventurer's licenses to bypass the screening at Engracia's gates. Just swing by Blumond and register with the guild. I'll ensure the test is fair for you," he assures Rimuru, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
Rimuru nods in understanding, mentally noting the task ahead. "Got it. I'll need some time to prepare before we depart. Oh, and let's schedule a meeting with Yohm. He might make a good champion," he suggests, his mind already racing with plans.
Fuze nods in agreement, stepping out of the hot spring to dry off and dress. "Sounds like a plan. I'll wait for you at the city hall," he declares before taking his leave.

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