4. Building the Goblin Village and Shizue Izowa

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Chapter 4: Building the goblin village, and Shizue Izawa

Authors note: I liked the dubbed version of the anime, so I'm using phrases from that, instead of "you know" it will be "slurp" when Rimuru introduces himself to shizu because I think it's cuter.

Also, I'm sorry if this chapter comes out late, unfortunately, the power grid of the city my friend lives in got bombed, and his power went out, don't worry though he's ok, but he won't be able to help with this chapter. Which is why I have another friend helping with this one.

New skills:

Extra skill: sniper
Perfectly control the output of a skill, and aim with surgical precision.

Unique skill: ice mastery (Frostborne one)
Control of everything relating to ice, including the ability to control cold water.

Part 1: The journey back.
Leaving Dwargon behind, we reach the tree line in just a couple of minutes. Gobuta was already waiting for us outside, unfortunately. "Lord Rimuru! Thank you for believing in me." He was more oblivious than I thought possible. "You knew I would be able to escape."
"Of course Gobuta, I never doubted you." Rimuru says, clearly lying, but it seemed to convince the goblin.
The dwarves went pale upon meeting the other tempest wolves, it seems that huge dogs with sharp fangs were much more than they had bargained for. But who could blame them, their expressions went grim when they learned that we'd be riding them to the village. "You guys can ride on my back if you want." I said reluctantly, "I can make your ride quicker and smoother." transforming into my own tempest wolf form.
The dwarves nod, but it didn't seem like they wanted to. Laying down and creating a staircase with my aura, I allow them to walk onto my back, with Rimuru joining them soon after. I then create a large airtight bubble around them, stabilizing them from my movements, and allowing them to breathe when traveling at high speeds.
The dwarves seem to be relieved, knowing that their safety and comfort are being taken into account. I begin at a slow pace and slowly pick up my speed, the dwarves seem fine physically, although slightly frightened by the speed.
"Don't worry guys, even if I did crash, it's not like my aura would stop protecting you." They seemed relieved, but also confused at the voice in their heads. After some time, the dwarves begin talking among themselves.
Sensing that the dwarves need a break, I take a quick stop at the nearest body of water, and let everyone off my back. After getting off the dwarves all take drinks from the water and ask for a bit more time before we get back on the trail. I of course agree, the fatigue from a sleepless night was starting to take over anyway. Returning to slime form, I tell everyone that they have about 5 hours till I wake up. The dwarves all let out a sigh of relief upon learning that we'd be stopped for a while. "We will wait for you, 5 hours should be plenty of time."
Rimuru shyly adds, "And we can just put you on my back if they are ready to go earlier than that."
"NO!!!" The dwarves shout in unison. I let out a laugh before drifting off.
As I sleep I feel something small press against me, I get flustered when I realize it's Rimuru. I can't respond or wake up, but it's nice to be so close to him. Despite being a cool temperature, Rimuru's touch brings a warmth radiating through my body. It feels amazing, just warm enough to be comfortable. With his body pressed against mine, I slept the whole 5 hours with little to no issue, a small hiccup occurred when I heard a flop to the ground, most likely an animal that decided to get too close and was met with a water blade.
When I awake, Rimuru is still close by but he has scooched away a little. I notice that I woke up right as the sun began to set, Rimuru's body was a beautiful orange as his body reflected the sunlight, it almost made him even more enchanting. I woke up at the perfect time for the sunset, with so many colors dancing in the sky it felt like an orange blanket had enveloped it, as if to tuck the earth in for a peaceful sleep. It was the first one I had witnessed in this world, and I got to see it with Rimuru. I didn't want to interrupt the moment, but of course, Gobuta didn't care. "Lord Rimuru! Robin is awake!" I stared daggers at Gobuta, the true master of messing up moments. If looks could kill, Gobuta would be long dead.
"Yes Gobuta, I am awake," I said, gritting my imaginary teeth. I'll be sure to feed him plenty of Shion's cooking when the time arrives, I'll plot my revenge carefully. Looking back at the sunset, Rimuru scooches a little closer again.
"Are we going to head back soon? I'm getting a little worried about the goblins." That's right, we were at Dwargon too long.
"Yes, let me go grab the dwarves." Hopping over to the dwarves, they seemed to be napping, "Hey guys, we're gonna head out, so wake up."
Rising from their sleep like zombies and rubbing their eyes, "Alright, alright, we're getting up." lazily, all of them stand and get ready to be transported. Once everyone was ready, I began running with them safely stowed in my aura.
I didn't have to run very far before we arrived at the goblin's village, although calling it a village was still a stretch. The surprised goblins and direwolves crowd around the descending dwarves and their slime lord. After returning to my slime form, some of the goblins let out surprised gasps, it seems like they truly didn't believe me when we first met. Turning back to my slime form shocks the goblins. Previously they couldn't fathom that Rimuru and I even knew each other, let alone that we were friends. Rigurd ran over to greet us, "Lord Rimuru you're back, and Robin, it seems you've come back too." It seemed as if my name left a bad taste in his mouth, almost like knowing that he was wrong had hurt him physically.
Feeling smug, I said, "Hello Goblin Lord Rigurd, I hope you're doing well." It was like I could hear his brain working on a way to save face. When he stays silent, I know that I've won, "Could you pitch me a tent? I'm a little tired and want some rest." Nodding, he walks away to get my living situation sorted. I wish I could share a tent with Rimuru, but I feel like it would be weird if he doesn't like me like that.

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