Chapter 7: The Orc Disaster

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Chapter 7: The Orc Disaster

New skills:

Extra skill: Pain Train
The user's attacks cause much more pain than would be logical, a sadist's best friend.

Extra skill: Decay
User can inflict rot and decay upon their enemies when striking.

Part 1: Training Gobuta
          I start my day with a nice mug of Green Tea until Gobuta knocks on my door. "Lady Robin! Are you awake!? I want to spar with you!" He shouts in his annoying voice.
          I have an epiphany, this is the perfect time to beat up Gobuta without repercussions. "One moment please, Gobuta, just need to get out of bed." I try to sound tired to mask my malice. I hop out of bed and decide to show off my skills as a Reaper. Dawning a black cloak with a frayed bottom and a black mask. Exiting my house I find Gobuta waiting on the step.
          As Gobuta looks over at me his complexion goes from deep green to a pale green, almost like he has met what I aspire to be, the grim reaper. God, I'm such a shameless dork. I think as I approach Gobuta, he suddenly stands up at attention and smiles. "You look awesome, Lady Robin!" He exclaims loudly with a smile. Maybe I was too hard on Gobuta. I think as I pat his head.
          "Thank you very much, Gobuta." I say as I smile behind my mask. Wonder how he'll screw up my favor this time.
          "Let's go spar, Lady Robin!" He says as he runs towards a clearing so he can spar with me.
          As I approach the clearing I decide to ask. "Gobuta, before we begin I must ask, are you asking me to spar because you know I will hold back so you can have a break from Hakuro?"
          "U-uh... n-no."
          I sigh, "Knew it." I say exasperatedly, but this time I actually can't fault him, one lesson with Hakuro was enough to make me fear the man. I may be stronger, but strength and speed mean nothing when stacked against his skill. He may be a Kijen, but he fights like a demon. "Honestly, Gobuta, I can't blame you, sure, we can spar." I say hoping to maybe bond with Gobuta and get used to his annoying voice.
          I get into stance and manifest my scythe using armor manipulation and pull my hood over my head, getting into a battle stance, legs wide, shoulders squared, and ready to battle.
          Gobuta makes the first move, he's fast, but not fast enough, I swing my scythe at his sword, and instead of parrying he ducks under my blade and swings for my chest which I just barely dodge. How does this idiot kid become... THIS... when he's fighting?! His battle IQ is insane, Hakuro has definitely started to rub off on him.
          He's already learned from his fight with Gabiru, his movements are more precise, fluid, and natural, it's like he's trained for years, but it's only been a few days. He swipes at my left leg, attempting to slice it off with his blade but I counter with my scythe and attempt to disarm him but he maneuvers under my scythe, and just like in an anime the blade cuts a few strands of hair but he manages to dodge otherwise perfectly. Wtf, is he the main character now?! Why is he such a badass when he fights?!
          He immediately counters with a thrust for my abdomen, heat seeps into my body as I start bleeding slime which quickly recovers, but a lingering burn persists. Gobuta looks concerned and stops for a moment. "Lady Robin? Are yo-hurk!" He is cut off by the back of my scythe hitting him in the gut.
          "Fight like we are enemies, do not feel for the ones you fight against, I will be fine, pull out all the stops and you may just beat me." I say as I catch my breath as the pain from the stab wound persists. "Analyze the stab he just used." I tell copycat as if it can listen to me, and I suddenly get an answer. "Gobuta used an extra skill, Pain Train." Goddamn Gobuta has a skill like that?! Since when?!
          I copy the remnants of the magic and use copycat to synthesize the rest, gaining the skill of Pain Train. "Yes, Lady Robin, you really know how to swing that thing, you could've killed me if you swung with the other side." He says as he wheezes for breath.
          "I think it's time to get serious." I say as my sky blue eyes begin to glow softly under my hood as I activate magic eyes on high capacity, making my Reaper aesthetic even more intimidating. I get lower to the ground and prepare to launch at him as I hold one arm in front of me and my scythe behind my back.
          "O-ok Lady Robin, p-please don't kill me though." He says timidly, seeming to have genuine fear. I can work with this, as long as he doesn't go fricken god mode again.
          "Oh~? Perhaps I will, perhaps I won't~" I say with a sadistic gleam in my eyes. But I feel a little bad so I give him a little tip. "Fear is a weakness in battle, but do not mistake fearlessness for courage, to be fearless is to be overconfident and arrogant. Standing your ground in the face of fear, that is courage. BEGIN!"
          I launch at Gobuta, magic eyes glowing, cloak flowing in the wind, and I bring down my scythe with pain train. He nearly dodges but I graze his arm and that is enough to make him cry out, but I'm not done, I slice and dice up his sword with my scythe and have the point of the scythe at his throat.
          "Do you yield?" I ask in a cold tone.
          "YES!! I YIELD!!" Gobuta shouts in fear.
          "Good, thank you Gobuta. I needed a win, and I hope you learned something, so, recap, what have I taught you today?" I say as I de-summon my scythe and take off my hood and mask revealing my cute face once again, with my long golden blond hair and sky blue eyes.
          "U-uh... don't show remorse for the enemy, fearlessness is not courage, and that scythes hurt... a lot, and lastly, do not underestimate Lady Robin." He says with a tinge of fear in his voice.
          I pat Gobuta on the head and ruffle his gray mohawk. "That's correct, little Gobuta, and since you learned something, I think you deserve a reward, so how about a sword? I did kinda destroy your regular sword after all." I suggest.
          "That sounds perfect, Lady Robin, I would be honored." He bows after responding in a reverent tone knowing his place.
          "Then a sword it shall be." I say as I begin creating a short sword using Armor Manipulation at maximum density along with adding magisteel as a core to make it perfect. "I hope it is to your liking, little Gobuta."
          The sword is heavy for a short sword, however, it is perfectly balanced and easy to use if you're strong enough. "I love it, Lady Robin!" Gobuta exclaims.
          "No problem Gobuta, now try out your new sword." I say with one last head pat and go look for Rimuru thinking the hell is up with me and headpats today?

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