Chapter 5: Ogres and an Imenant Threat

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Authors note: this came out way later than expected because the author found out about this bot

I also may or may not have gone to Mexico for a week and gotten a hangover.

Part 1: Real Training Time
          After leaving the cave I didn't immediately return to the village, instead, I decided to have some time to myself. Finding a clearing a few miles away from the village I began. First, I recalled the stealth art that Gido had performed. Tensing my muscles, I attempted to recreate his technique, but after several unsuccessful attempts, it became apparent that I was doing something wrong. Maybe arts didn't just rely on action, but also control of energy? With this revelation I tried again, flowing my aura into my movements, I could feel how my body began to flicker. Savant really is amazing, it would probably take years for a normal person to get to this level.
          Repeating it over and over again yielded results, by my 20th attempt I managed to hold my invisibility for a full 5 seconds, I'm really starting to get the hang of this. By my 50th attempt, I managed a full 5 minutes. This should be enough for the time being, at least for what I need it for. Next, I experimented some more with armor manipulation. Turns out that by controlling the density and fluidity I can make clothing and armor of any color, and with my other skills, even fabric made with it is almost indestructible.
          By the time I had figured out all my new skills the sun had already sunk below the horizon as night fell, and I fashioned myself a little den to sleep in while in my slime form. The thoughts of just how cool it will look when I swoop in to save Rimuru gently lulled me to sleep.

Part 2: Ogres
         As I began to wake up, a powerful presence in the distance alerted me of the fight between Rimuru and the Ogres. Taking the shape of a masculine form, to make myself even less recognizable, I encased my body in armor and manifested a sword and shield. Sneaking over towards the energy, masked my aura completely.
When I got there, Rimuru was already confronting them, knocking out Kurobe and binding up Shion.
          Soui snuck behind Rimuru and sliced at him with his sword, but it shattered against Rimurus' tough body armor. In the meantime Hakuro readies his blade, he seems dead set on killing Rimuru, even more so than in the anime, his aura flairs. His aura is full of bloodlust and murderous intent, he leaps toward Rimuru, much faster than expected. I knew what would happen next, but I couldn't stop myself as my instincts to protect him overtook me.
          My heart was racing as I watched Hakuro, his eyes filled with intensity, the air around him seemed to crackle with the force of his murderous intent, and I could feel the weight of his bloodlust like a physical presence. As he readied his blade, I could see that there was no hesitation in his movements.
          He was dead set on killing Rimuru. I had seen this in the anime, but it failed to compare with the real thing. And then he leaped, his speed catching me off guard. I knew that I had to act quickly if I wanted to protect Rimuru, and for a split second, it seemed to freeze. My instincts took over, and I moved without thinking, my shield at the ready, I intercept his blade just in time.
          A searing pain shot throughout my body as the blade sliced through the shield like butter, stopping inside my arm. I grit my teeth through the pain and bent my arm, snapping his blade in half. "Who are you?" Rimuru asks, completely unaware that it's me.
          Putting on a heroic deep voice, "I was just passing through and saw you getting attacked, so I came to help." I healed my wound as quickly as I could, I didn't want Rimuru to see my wound leaking gold instead of blood. "Do you need my assistance, young lady?"
          This clearly pissed him off, but I wanted him to get acquainted with how he'll be treated by strangers. "Sure, you do that." Dropping my shield I draw my sword. "Just don't kill them, I think there's been a misunderstanding," Rimuru says.
          Giving him a thumbs up I ready my blade. Using stealth arts to become invisible, I bonk each ogre on the head with the pommel of my sword, knocking them all unconscious except for Benimaru and Shuna. Turning myself visible once more, I say. "You two must be the chieftain's children. I refuse to fight you, that would be dishonorable to his memory."
          Both Benimaru and , "Did you know our father?" asks Benimaru.
          "I talked to him in his final moments, I was in the right place at the right time to see what had happened. When passing your village I saw the orcs, I had saved as many bodies from being consumed as I could, but I was too late to save any lives. Your father was a brave and powerful warrior, he died an honorable death in battle. In his final moments, all he could think of was you two." I thought lying would be the worst thing I could've done. "I told him I would find you eventually, and allow you to have closure."
           They surrender after my speech, and Rimuru is stunned at my knowledge. And now for the reveal. Under my original armor, I form clothing similar to Rimuru's using armor manipulation before shedding the outer layer of armor. I shrink to my normal human form before the armor is completely off. "Robin?! Why'd you disguise yourself?" Then he grumbles "And why'd you call me a girl." His pout is adorable, I want to give him a smooch, but I restrain myself for now.
          "Thought it would be cool, and because calling you a boy would've made it pretty obvious who I was." His frown gets deeper and somehow cuter too.
          "Fine, it was a little cool." The ogres are confused, but as the others begin waking up, the ogre siblings make sure they are ok and tell them what happened.
          "Thank you for saving our father's honor, but you said something about saving our brethren's bodies, could we see them?"
          I wave them over, and lead them to a clearing in the forest. It is very large, at least 500 feet across and 200 feet long. But it would have to be a large area, because there were a lot of dead. I quickly took a blood sample from each to analyze later and began gently spitting them out.
          I finish with the chieftain, suddenly I hear a voice at the back of my head, and I remember that eating someone as a slime can store their souls. I activate my possession skill to recall the ogre chieftain. I imagine he has a lot to say to his children. My body involuntarily morphs to match his old one, minus the broken neck. The ogres reach for their blades once more but the chieftain motions for them to stop using my body. Suddenly he speaks, and in a gravelly voice, he addresses the ogres. "Hello my children, and their companions, I'm sorry that I've failed you. However, I fought bravely to the end." This sounds like something I would've come up with as a child. But it seems to be working, the ogres lower their blades as he speaks again. "My children, I want you to know that I love you very much, and am deeply saddened that I won't be there for the rest of your lives."
          The ogres are reluctant to respond, but Benimaru speaks up, "Father, you have not failed us, as you can see we have survived. Hopefully, we will continue to thrive in your absence, we love you too." After Benimaru's words, the chieftain just smiles and leaves my body as a mist of magicules. My body slowly returns to its original form as I recover from the experience. With every movement being involuntary, it is near impossible not to try and stop. I collapse, unable to move, and my body returns to slime form. Rimuru scrambles over to pick me up. "A slime?!" The ogres say in unison.
          "Yeah, we're both slimes, do you have a problem with that?" Rimuru says threateningly. Each ogre simultaneously shakes their head, they know their place after I had shown them the difference in power. I feel Rimuru petting me, it feels nice, and very comforting. I go to sleep once again. Possession must take an unbelievable amount of energy, because I'm sure that I had full magic stores before using it.
          I heard the sound of dirt being rustled as Rimuru uses predator with his free hand. And soon he begins walking away. Signaling to me that either the ogres had been buried, or Rimuru had eaten all of them.
          Rimuru gently carried me back to the village with the ogres following close behind. I heard some gasps from the goblins we passed as Rimuru led the ogres to his house to talk about a possible alliance. Rimuru sat down once entering his house, leaving me in his warm lap. I wonder if I could use split like this, maybe I could see this from the outside.
          Mustering up just enough magicules to perform the skill, I separate from my body and observe. I saw Rimuru, he looked adorable, and I almost got jealous of myself after seeing the golden orb that was my body. I only managed about 30 seconds before having to go back into my body.
          Warm was the only thought going through my head so warm. I loved the attention I was getting from Rimuru, I could feel myself being pressed to his body as he held me as a pillow. I couldn't control myself, but I still tried my best not to literally melt in his arms.

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