Chapter 6

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"Well, well, what do we have here?"

A deep voice seemed to whisper from afar. It wasn't long before I felt something long and pointed gouge at my belly repeatedly. Grumbling, I tried to turn away from the discomfort and realized I couldn't move. Today was just not my day, sighing I pried open and eye and found myself looking into a bluish purple eye.

"Whoa!" I was fully awake now, I tried to scurry back, but instead I collided with a warm, smooth wall. Twisting my head to the side I saw Jayy still sleeping like a baby with his arms wrapped tightly around my chest. Jeffree stood in front  of the couch tapping a long pink nail against his chin knowingly.

"Jayy!" I hissed, he stirred but only tightened his hold on me.

"JAYY!" I shouted, he bolted up looking around wildly, when he saw Jeffree he practically shoved me away, but before I could go flying into the wall, he pulled me back and sat me on his lap. Jayy ran a hand through his tussled hair as he looked at Jeffree -who had still not said a word-

"Look, this isn't what it looks like." Jayy mumbled. Those words hurt a lot more than they should have, I mean we hadn't told anyone about us, we didn't want to tell them yet, but it felt as if Jayy didn't want to be seen with me. I looked down at my lap and interlaced my fingers.

"It isn't?" I whispered. Jayy gasped.

"No Dahv! I didn't mean it like that!" He knelt on the floor and placed a hand on my knee, he looked at me with beautiful brown eyes. I nodded.

"Then what is it?" Jeffree smugly commented.

"Umm..." His eyes darted to me, then to Jeffree, and back to me. I slumped my shoulders. in acceptance, he didn't want them to know we were together. I knew I was a bad person and deserved all those things that had happened to me. Sighing heavily I stood up and tried to walk to my room. Jayy reached out and held me back, I struggled to pull away.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Jayy shouted and threw his arms above his head in defeat. "Dahvie and I are dating okay! I love him!" Then he walked over to me and hugged me tight. Maybe I wasn't so bad after all, I immediately returned the hug. Jeffree broke out laughing, he wrapped his thin arms around his stomach, tears ran down his face.

"I knew it! We all knew it!" He gasped in between guffaws, we looked at him with our eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean?" I asked Jeffree.

"We all knew you'd get together eventually!" We stared agape at Jeffree while he doubled over clutching his stomach. Then we got bored, he was getting pretty hysterical now. I shrugged.

"Whatever, just don't tell anyone okay." Jeffree managed to nod, with that settled I went into the kitchen to make some sandwiches for lunch, Jayy fallowed me to the small kitchen and leaned against the counter watching me spread mayo on the bread. After all the commotion I didn't know what to say or do, so I just remained quiet and handed him a sandwich when I had finished, as he took the plate our fingertips brushed under the smooth glass surface, I felt my cheeks reddening. Jayy noticed my blush and smiled warmly at me, he reached up and stroked my cheek with his thumb. His touch was gentle and warm, he looked at me with soft brown eyes, and that was when I knew, I knew that I loved him. I would do anything to see him smile, to hear him laugh. I smiled back at him and took his hand in mine and took him to my room. We sat on the bed together munching on our sandwiches, Jayy flung his leg over mine and I began to feel tingly all over again, doing my best to ignore it, I tried to break the silence.

"How's your sandwich?" I asked, though I already knew the answer because I was obviously a great cook.

"It's great!" Jayy replied. "Hey you got something on your..." He motioned to the corner of his mouth. "I'll get it." He leaned in quickly and kissed me, running his tongue over my mouth quickly taking care of the stray piece of food. When he pulled away he grinned at me, I took a look at my sandwich and tossed it onto the nightstand and took Jayy by the shirt and pulled him on top of me.

Our kissing was frantic and needy. Jayy's lips moved in sync with mine, and I thought that this was the most amazing feeling in the world. I gripped Jayy by the hair tightly as his lips moved to kiss my neck and the hallow of my chest, I tilted my head back and bit back a moan. He tugged at the hem of my shirt, I raised my arms over my head and he pulled it off, tossing it behind his shoulder. Jayy ran his hands over my chest causing goose bumps to spread over my body and my nipples to harden, though that wasn't the only thing that hardened -if you know what I mean- as the pressure in my pants increased, Jayy's movements became more deliberate and teasing, biting my earlobe and whispering filthy, dirty things that made me want him more and more. Finally, when the pressure around my groin became to great, I took his hands and moved them down to the waistband of my jeans. Jayy fumbled to undo the button, but when he finally did manage to do it, they went flying away from my body. Dahvie junior was eager to have his release, and I knew that if Jayy were to touch me, even slightly, I wouldn't be able to hold it in for long. When his hands found their way under the waistband of my boxers I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming out load, his long fingers wrapped themselves around my member and squeezed. Black dots flooded my vision and made the blood rush in my ears. Despite how large I had grown, the things Jayy was doing to me, made me grow even larger, and with Jayy's endless teasing, it seemed as if I'd never have my release, I gripped the sheets desperate and wanting.

"Jayy." I panted

"Mmm?" Was his response. That was when I became aware of Jayy's equally large erection rubbing against mine.

"Oh God, Jayy!" After I had his attention, I quickly flipped myself over so that he was on the bottom. Jayy looked up at me confused. If he was going to tease me, then I would too. A nervous feeling fluttered in my stomach, I had never done this before, but I drowned the sensation and tried to copy what he had done to me, only I got down to business a lot faster. Jayy laid back with his hands folded behind his head, waiting with an amused smile.

"What are you smiling about, you goof."

"I'm waiting to see what you got." Jayy grinned up at me. I grinned back. Challenge accepted.

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