1 - She Fell From The Sky

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-Your POV-

"Wake up!" A quivering voice broke through my shattered conscience, though I couldn't process anything other than his frantic cries that stung my ears from the alarming volume. The male was likely hovering just above my ear, he was so loud. But his panic and apprehension rang true, nevertheless. "Oh... Please, wake up, please?" His desperate pleas almost made me want to crawl back into reality, but still... I valued my sleep... "Are you... Um, d-dead?"

"What happened...!" I jerk upward, eyes flying open as I scan my surroundings, searching for any sort of explanation for my situation. I had no memory of how I'd gotten into this position.

I was lying on my back, half buried in grimy grains of beige sand that stuck to my skin. A vast baby blue sky towered over me, framed by a mountain looming in the near distance, electricity, and raw light sparking from a void just above it. Was that normal? I didn't know. I didn't know anything about this.

With a slight groan, I jump up to stand on shaking legs, biting my lip as I stagger, arms flailing and ready to brace for a certain fall. Hesitatingly venturing a very disgraceful step forward, I stumble and teeter.

I don't hit the constantly shifting sands below my feet, instead, I'm carefully taken hold of by the owner of the soft voice that snapped me out of my slumber.

Two arms gently cradle my shoulders, and my face is now buried in dark blue cloth. Someone, whoever it was, caught me. I quickly took a step back from the unexpected embrace, even though it saved me from a fall. Something told me it wasn't the only fall I had recently.

Blood ran up and down my legs, tearing the skin there and leaving foretold scars in its wake. Even as I lay in the boy's arms, pain shot up my figure and made itself clear in my mind. I winced and put less pressure on the legs, which were evidently more cloaked in a combination of sand and a violently crimson liquid pouring to the ground.

My eyes meet the gaze of a pair of calm slate-gray ones. The boy who caught me looked around my age with a smallish frame and short dark gray hair underneath a red cap. He appears to be wearing a navy blue yukata-like uniform.

"W-who are you...?" I mumble, ripping my eyes away from him to eye my limbs still actively bleeding at an alarming rate.

But the boy asks incredulously, scanning my trembling form, "I'd like to ask the same. You gave me quite a shock, I'll have you know. Did you just fall from the sky rift? Are you alright? Wait, I shouldn't ask that... you're clearly in need of help right now."

"Uhm, well..." Why would I have any idea if I fell from there? It seemed impossible, but my screaming limbs told me it was likely true. I don't even know where I'm from, or why I'm wearing such strange, tight clothes in comparison to the boy in front of me. I tentatively take another step backward and away from his embrace which I found sudden comfort in. "Where am I?"

"This is the region of Hisui, of course." His eyes flicker in sincere concern. "Did the fall somehow affect your memory...?"

"Probably?" I whisper, then wobble and fall forward again — perhaps from the severe blood loss I'd acquired  — but this time, the world turns black as I tumble downward and I drift into unconsciousness before I can realize what happened.

When I came to, I heard the voice of the dark-haired boy and another, older, more feminine voice talking with him.

The boy tentatively speaks first, his voice dragging me out of a deep sleep, just as it had before. "Yes, I'm sure of it. She fell from the sky."

"Seriously, Rei... what am I going to do with you...?" A female voice replies, exasperated, and I can hear her exhaustion pierce through my hazy mind.

"You just have to believe me, Cyllene-san!" The boy who saved me, Rei, protests vigorously. "She needs help, or the wilds will surely kill her — as if the injuries she's suffered aren't enough."

Cyllene sighs, "I'll allow her to stay, then, if you insist. Assuming the individual can contribute to the Survey Corps, that is."

Gradually opening my tired eyes, I sit up and stretch wide, yawning. I let my arms fall to my side, and my jaw dropped in surprise when I noticed that I was no longer on the shoreline of the unknown region I'd woken in, but now in a room that I failed to recognize. Pushing heavy blankets off my body, I observe the simple wooden walls, the large fireplace in the center of the space, the body-length mirror in the corner, and the worn wardrobe off the side.

Rei and Cyllene swivel around to face me from where they stood near the doorway a few feet away from the mattress I lay on. I inhale, "Where am I?"

"Again?" Rei questions, eyebrows furrowed with concern, "You're in Hisui."

I suddenly remember being found on the beach, but nothing before that. Urgently darting my gaze, I sigh in relief when I see that my ruby-red blood no longer flows freely, and instead is wrapped securely with crisp white bandages that climb up my legs and arms, restricting my movement. With wide eyes, I timidly ask, "Rei-kun...?"

He cocks his head, "How do you know my name?"

"Oh, I am so sorry. I heard your conversation." I quickly explain, suddenly nervous.

He quickly walks up to me, socks quietly padding against the flooring, curiosity filling his pale face, "And what is that bizarre garb you're wearing? You're not from here, are you?"

"Team Galactic."

"Excuse me?" Cyllene inquiries.

The words Team Galactic popped into my head without a warning, and I'd spoken it before even thinking about what it meant. What in the world did that even mean? If it was a place or a group or a person... it sure didn't seem as if they knew it existed. I bow my head. "I'm sorry!"

"Stop apologizing," Rei kindly says, kneeling down beside me.

"Where in the world did you find this child in the first place, Rei?" Cyllene mutters.

"I told you, she fell from the sky. It's as if she was a gift from the Almighty Sinnoh!" Rei grins good-naturedly.

"Stop talking nonsense." Grumbles Cyllene, then she glances over at me with sharp, skeptical ice-blue eyes. "What's your name?"

A heavy silence filled the small space in the room before a foggy thought pushed its way to the front of my mind. It has to be my name. Pressing my lips together, I finally choke out a word that's been nagging at me for a minute now. "(Y/N)."


Word count: 1124 words

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