9 - Dreams for the Future

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-Rei's POV-

Kneeling over her limp form, tears slipping down my face, I watch (Y/N)'s chest rise and fall in tune with her soft, nearly noiseless breathing. My hands were clenched so tightly together that they shook in front of me and my knuckles were white from strain. I knew that she was going to be okay, this had happened once before, but for some reason or another, I was scared.

Why were the Alpha Pokemon attacking (Y/N) so ruthlessly?

Not only are they rare and powerful versions of species, but they also appear to be going out of their way to harm her. It almost makes me wonder... Who was (Y/N) in her past life? The one where she spent her entire childhood, beyond the gigantic space-time distortion above Mount Coronet. She likely had friends, family, and a home there – only to be thrown into a region she doesn't know, filled with people she doesn't know.

Nails digging into skin, eyes squeezing tight, praying to Almighty Sinnoh... Under my breath, the only thing that can be heard is: "Please please please..."

"Rei, you..." A ragged, barely audible whisper makes its way to my ears, and my eyes fly open to meet the wide, dazzling (e/c) gaze of (Y/N) as she attempts to sit up on the futon where she lay motionless moments ago.

Gasping, I inch closer to her, supporting her back as she sits up – seething in pain all the while. "Take it slow!" I insist, worried, but she shakes her head in response.

She mumbles, biting her lip nervously, "But the dinner tonight..."

"In your condition...!" I protested, eyebrows furrowed.

"You were excited to go, though, right?"

I sharply take in a short breath, and my gaze locks on hers. I can't deny it... she hit the mark. It was true, I really was looking forward to speaking to her after our solo expeditions. Still, I held my tongue, though she could see the visible turmoil shifting in my eyes.

Not daring to admit it, I hold my breath as she breaks into a wide, earnest smile. "What time is it? We have time to go out for a short dinner, right?"

Was... Was (Y/N) asking me on a date?!

"I'll invite the Professor too."

I subtly exhale. I should've known better. Regaining my cheerful demeanor to match hers, I reply, "Sounds like a plan then. Here, let me help you stand." Before I could get (Y/N) to her feet, a sharp knock on the front door stopped me.

Torn between answering the door and lifting up (Y/N), I glance wearily at her face and decide. I pick up (Y/N) and head over to the door with her in my arms. (Y/N) smiles at how easily I carry her, and wraps her arms around my neck, causing heat to creep onto my face.

"Who is it?" I call, (Y/N) still holding onto me. I set her down, but she clings onto my arm to stabilize herself on her quivering legs.

The door slides open to reveal the ice-blue-haired secretary, whose piercing eyes flit between my face and (Y/N) desperately holding onto for dear life. "Am I interrupting some-"

Cyllene doesn't finish, as (Y/N) stumbles and almost crumples to the floor boards, but I wrap my arms around her figure and securely hold her steady. "S-sorry..." (Y/N) winces and I notice several of her bandages unravel, exposing raw flesh wounds and dried blood. The injuries she acquired were nasty, and it likely hurt more than it looked.

"There's no reason to apologize!" I let (Y/N) lean on my shoulder once more and turned back to Cyllene, who was staring, unamused, at us.

"Shall I cancel tonight's dinner?" She asks in a dull tone, already done with this conversation.

(Y/N) immediately shakes her head to deny it. "Please, Cyllene-san, I promised Rei I'd go with him!"

Disdainfully, Cyllene nods. "Fine, but be careful. Don't harm yourself further. It would be bad if one of our two researchers were gone. You have more assignments once you heal, remember."


Later, after I supported (Y/N) as she cautiously walked down the street to the restaurant, I helped her sit on the outdoor benches in front of the building. The professor joins us within minutes, and he instantly orders plates upon plates of steaming hot fried potato mochi cooked by none other than Beni, the best chef in town.

Also, the only chef in town. But that's not important.

"Sure, it's nice... Yet I keep doing the same thing day after day. Is it really getting us anywhere? With our research or with carving out a life here?" I keep up a somewhat pleasant conversation with the Professor as he stuffs as much of his meal as he can into his mouth. "I can't help but dream for the future..."

"Is something wrong, my girl?" Laventon asks instead of replying to me, his beady black eyes surveying (Y/N).

Her hands shook so hard from the effort of raising her weak and fragile arms, that it was proving difficult to simply spoon food into her mouth. "It's nothing important. Please, keep chatting. I'll be fine."

"Here, let me help," I say, turning a bit to gently grab the utensil from her quivering fingers and fork a piece of mochi, then lifting it up for her to bite. Even in the dark, late evening atmosphere, I could see her blush profoundly.

"You really don't have to-" I cut her off by shoving the food into her mouth, my own intense blush mirroring hers. We went on like that in silence, Professor Laventon chewing on his dinner, eyeing us with a smirk.

Before we returned to each of our rooms, the night descended on us, so it's really not surprising that (Y/N) got tired enough to fall asleep. She was utterly exhausted, from many things combined, I'm sure.

The thing is, she ended up leaning over and falling asleep with her head resting on my shoulder.

"Wha-?" I freeze up and turn red in shock, much to the professor's entertainment.

I sat as still as possible so she could get the rest she deserved, my fond gaze watching her deep breaths, until we needed to leave — as it was about closing time for the Wallflower — and then gently shook (Y/N) awake, whispering, "It's time to go now, (Y/N)."

"Ugh... alright..." she mumbles, (e/c) eyes glazed with sleepiness.

I smiled and helped her back to her assigned room next to mine. Once she's returned to her place, I enter mine. Although I'd never say it aloud, I really enjoyed tonight's events and wanted it to happen again.


Word count: 1143 words

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