5 - Potato Mochi

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-Your POV-

"If you have progress to report, I will judge its worthiness. Show me your Pokédex." Cyllene commands with her usual blank face after we enter her office in Jubilife Village. The large room had high ceilings and impressively lavish furnishings, although was rather empty, beside her huge desk piled with towering stacks of sheets of paper and files containing the progress of other researchers on expeditions, though no one else was focusing on the completion of the Pokedex.

"Here," I pull out my volume of the book, and Rei nods next to me. We both handed over our paperback books, the Pokedexes, in seamless synchronicity.

"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star. With this, you have officially attained the rank of First Star in the Galaxy Expedition Team." Cyllene says dully, "That a stranger like you should fall from the sky and yet flourish among us like this is a testament to your native talent and hard work. And proving your worth by moving up through our ranks is something anyone can understand. Keep at it, and even if you did fall from the sky, people may be more willing to accept you. Also, keep in mind that a higher rank will grant you access to greater rewards."

"Thank you!" Rei and I say in unison, smiles spreading onto our faces.

"For today, at least, you've earned yourself a meal at the Wallflower and a good night's rest. The professor will accompany you." Cyllene instructs, waving us out.

Rei's expression becomes overjoyed as we retrieve our Pokedexes and exit the brick building. "Alright! I love the potato mochi there!" He exclaims.

*Time Skip*

"Wonderful stuff, Beni! Much obliged. Your potato mochi never fails to please!" The apparently studious and well-versed Pokemon expert known as Professor Laventon laughs with the Wallflower's shop owner, pigging out on the mochi and miraculously not choking as he strikes up a polite conversation while chewing on the meal.

"Yes, the food was lovely." I sigh, not enjoying Laventon's unprofessional behavior. He seemed like quite the couch potato. I proceed calmly, "But more importantly, I want to know what to do next, to earn the second star."

"It better not contain us having to hold any more Pokemon in our tiny pouches," Rei grumbles.

"You should be able to have Pokemon you've caught go live in the village pastures." The professor explains, scarfing down another plate piled high with steaming potato mochi. "The most Pokemon someone ought to carry while exploring is six, apparently... Not that anyone can manage that!"

"I'll only carry Oshawatt and Starly then." I decide.

"I will stick with just Pikachu," Rei says.

"Well, we know this much... Pokémon are terrifying creatures!" Professor Laventon frowns. "It's all but impossible to know what kinds of powers they might possess or what sorts of wondrous things they can do! It's a miracle your first adventure went without fail. This means we can finally begin our Pokémon research in earnest!"

"I suppose," I mumble. To be honest, I don't understand the people of Hisui's immense fear of Pokemon. The creatures, while dangerous at times, are capable of sharing bonds with a Pokemon trainer. The ridiculous avoidance of these animals was the only barrier between the two species.

"That was quite delicious! Quite delicious indeed!" Professor Laventon nods in satisfaction, patting his stomach.

"But-" Rei is interrupted.

"Not to worry! I have complete confidence in you and (Y/N)'s skills." The Professor walks off, probably just happy for the free supper if nothing else.

The next day, after we had a good rest as was suggested, Rei and I went to Cyllene's office to clarify what Laventon wanted us to do. She filled us in, knowing fully well of the lacking professor. "To complete this Pokédex, there are a great many research tasks I've assigned and need your help to carry out. The details of these tasks can be found in the Pokédex for you to reference anytime." Cyllene explained.

"Yes, but what are we supposed to do, Cyllene-san?" Rei questions, speaking my thoughts exactly before I could say a word.

Cyllene retains her ever-serious face, "You must catch and battle diverse Pokémon species and carry out plenty of research tasks. Do so, and you'll gain research points and other rewards for your work. This will result in you earning stars, up to ten, and climbing the ranks in the Galaxy Team."

"I see," I nod in understanding. "So one day, when we get all ten stars, then what?"

"That has only happened very few times." Say a low and gruff voice from behind me. Rei and I turn, Cyllene not needing to, and we see the leader of the Galaxy Team: Kamando.

"Commander!" We all gasp, including Cyllene, who even bows deeply in respect.

Kamado resumes, "Cyllene and I are the only ones who have gotten that far. And as you can see, we are the authorities for the Galaxy Team. So, since it only has happened twice in the past, if either you or both of you reach all ten stars, we'd reward you with high positions like ours."

"Meaning... We could own the Galaxy Team?!" I cry, stepping back, my eyes stretching wide, Rei's reaction almost identical to mine.

"If that were to happen..." Kamando pauses to think, then continues gruffly, his arms folded over his chest. "I do believe so."


Author's Note:

As mentioned before, I strongly dislike Hisui's professor, and I didn't have the heart to write a long chapter with him. It's my second update today, so I'm sorry if it's not the most exciting chapter imaginable.

I hope you enjoyed it, my reader!


Word count: 960 words

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