Kylian Mbappe

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Future Mrs Mbappe.
Kylian had a few days off, just perfect for your birthday.

"Oh wow, you look incredible" Kylian leaned on the door frame as he watched you whilst you were getting changed.

"Thank you, can you do my necklace for me please?" you smiled as you handed your silver delicate chain over to him.

"So pretty, I can't believe you are look so good" he muttered as he took your hand and span you around.

"Aww you are cute aren't you. Right we best go okay?" you nodded as you took his hand again as you walked downstairs, trying not to trip over your dress.

You headed to the restaurant that Kylian had booked out for the evening, just for your birthday which was crazy in itself.
As you walked into the restaurant, everyone cheered as you stepped inside.

"Oh my, woah KyKy. You did all of this for me, I can't believe it." you squealed as everyone was approaching you trying to hug you tightly.

"I am so glad you could make it" you squeezed your best friend tightly as you hadn't seen her in months but she made the trip to Paris just for you.

"Of course I would make it, I was so happy that Kylian told me he was doing this for you" you smirked as you felt a small tug at the bottom of your dress.

"Oh hello baby girl" you picked up your little girl who was in her sparkly dress.

"Mummy" she squeezed you tightly as you walked over to the table as your first course of food was about to be served.

"Let's all raise a glass to y/n, to celebrate her birthday. Happy birthday angel" everyone shouted and celebrated for your birthday, blushing away feeling slightly embarrassed with everyone looking at you. "This is lovely" you smiled as you helped your daughter Céline with her food.

"She is getting so big now, y/n. She looks just like when Kylian was younger actually" Kylian's mother glanced over to Kylian who was feeling awkward now. "Aww really? I have only seen a few photos of him when he was younger" you looked back down at Céline as you fed her some more mouthfuls.

It was starting to get really loud with everyone speaking and catching up over lost times. Once the desert's came out, Kylian was starting to act a little suspicious like he had something up his sleeve. "Ky, this is perfect where did you even get this cake from?" you asked him as you took a huge bite. "One of the ladies who works at PSG was telling Ethan how she loved baking, so it was Ethan who got her to make this cake" your eyes widened as you felt so soft. "Oh Ethan, that is cute of you. Bless you, I should get the recipe because this is lovely" you smiled, slightly babbling to try and make conversation as you could sense that the room was becoming a little quieter now.

Kylian picked Céline from her chair. "I'll just take Céline to the toilet, I will be back in a minute" he smiled as he put her on his hip. "So you need to give this to Mummy okay" Kylian handed over a present to his daughter as Céline nodded and grabbed onto it. Kylian took Céline back into the restaurant as he placed her on the floor as he wandered over to you. "Give Mummy her present" he smiled as he watched like a hawk as his little daughter handed over the small box. "Oh thank you darling" you smiled as you opened the small box gently. You let out a gasp as you saw the ring.

"Oh my god, what the fu-" you gasped out loud as you looked down and saw Kylian on one knee. "y/n, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" you gasped as you nodded, getting up to give him the biggest cuddle. "Of course I will Ky, I love you" you cuddled him tightly as Céline crawled to your legs as everyone was screaming in celebration. "I can't believe it, I am going to be the future Mrs Mbappe" you squealed with happiness as you kept looking at the beautiful ring.

"I love you so much, our little family" Kylian picked up Céline and hugged her tightly close together. 

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