Matty Cash

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blurb request: ooo making christmas cookies with matty cash and its just all cute being touchy feely and getting icing sugar everywhere!!!

You were making Christmas cookies while Matty was at training, tis was the only way you could get it done. Otherwise he was going to be in the way al the time. You were making them for your nieces and nephews when they come over tomorrow. "Hello" you jumped as you felt Matty wrap his hands around your waist. "What you doing baby?" he kissed your shoulder blade. "I am making cookies. And no you are not helping me. You will get in the way" you moaned as you shoved him off. He put his hand in the icing sugar as you got everything finished. "Babe put that down" you demanded. "Sorry" Matty moaned as he put the sugar on your face. "Matty" you shouted as he now accidently knocked it all over the table top. "I hate you so much, this is why I do not want you in the kitchen" you shouted at him as you were getting all frustrated with him. 

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