Jordan Henderson

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Blurb request: Can I request Jordan Henderson returning from SGP and finally sees you and their two little girls again?

You had missed Jordan so much, this was the longest you had been away from him in ages. Your two girls were missing him so much, they hated being away from him. You had put up a banner saying 'welcome home daddy' as well as getting loads of cute balloons in red and white. The car went and the gates opened. "Daddyyyy" the girls screamed as they jumped up as you opened the front door. "Girls" he shouted as he crouched down as they run straight towards him. "We missed you so much" the girls grabbed onto him as tightly as they could. "Hello" Jordan waved as he walked over to you, gently kissing your lips. "Come on in, look daddy" the girls shouted as he walked through the house to see the living room all decorated. "Oh wow, I love it. Thank you so much" he smiled, holding onto both of his girls. 

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