Chapter 2- School Life

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New part once more because I'll be extremely busy for the weekend:) Anna

Beepp! Beepp! Beepp! I stuck my hand out from under my covers, grabbing my phone, and quickly shutting off the alarm. It was currently 1 am in the morning. My special 3 hours of freed. Emma had been right, I wasn’t getting enough sleep, but I had to do this: I did this every night.

               I walked over to my desk quietly and pulled out my MacBook Pro. His was my prized possession, I couldn’t live without it. I opened it and went onto YouTube, searching lists and lists of songs by various artists that I was dying to hear and make remixes out of. That was the most favorite thing I did. Remixing. I opened up my mixing program and got to work, uploading and editing. It was 4 am in the morning when I was done with my newest high-tech electra remix. It sounded incredible. I saved it to my many others, and got into bed for two more hours of precious sleep.


               I got up in the morning drowsily, as usual. I popped my contacts in, and walked to my closet. I picked out a pair of dark navy skinnies, and a lacy maroon shirt with a black tank top underneath. I straightened my hair and came downstairs. I grabbed two granola bars and set out on my walk to school after butting on my brown leather boots. The walk consisted of my listening to “Bangarang” by Skrillex.

               I was in school in 15 minutes. Walking through the hallways, I looked around for Emma. “This is my last year here”, I thought to myself.

               I met up with Emma in homeroom.

               “So tomorrow’s the big day!” she said. “I seriously can’t wait to give you your present!”


               “You need to pick up your mood, Alex. Didn’t sleep well again, I see?”

               “Come on! Leave me be!” I said slapping her arm playfully.

               After a couple of periods, we walked to lunch. Of course we sat alone at our table in the corner, but I didn’t mind. When Emma went to go get her lunch, I quietly observed everyone in the room, as I always do. There was the table with the videogame geeks, the jocks, the popular girls, the emos, and others.

               Just then, a chicken nigget with ketchup all over it flew over and landed in my lap. “Eww!” I mumbled to myself. One of the guys at the “jocks” table was smiling at me evilly. Wiping everything off of my pants, I got up to throw the napkin out.

               Walking by that table I heard, “Looks like you got no friends, loner much?” The guys howled in laughter.

               That’s it, I thought to myself. I walked over and grabbed the chocolate milk on the table and poured it all over the douche, leaving him with his mouth open in awe.

               “Miss Simatra! That behavior is unacceptable! You must go to the dean’s office right this instant!” one of the aides bellowed. The other guys started howling in laughter again, but she shut them up with a look. I grabbed the pass to the dean’s office the aide held out to me. I really didn’t give a crap anymore.


               When I got home from school, my Mom was there waiting not only for my, but for an explanation.

               “Alex, what happened? You’re a great student with a really high average, but this? You got suspended for a week from school!” she exclaimed.

               “I know, but I couldn’t help it. They were making fun of me, and guess I was just done.”

               My Mom sighed and gave me a hug. “Go and get ready for swim practice.”

               Wow, she she had forgotten hat tomorrow was my birthday. That’s just great.


               Gosh, I was exhausted. It was a Wednesday. Swim team practice had just finished with a 500 meter freestyle swim. Once I got home, I took a shower and collapsed on my bed for a short powernap.

               I got home and ate dinner and did the same schedule. I had no homework, so that gave me 5 hours of remixing. Once the clock hit 12 am, I smiled to myself. Happy Birthday to me.


Thanks for reading:)

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