Chapter 4- Getting Ready With Celebrations

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Hiya! Updated again! Thanks for reading! Please read my best friend's Natalka101 story-Love Takes Over.

               “Hmmm…” I said to myself as I stared blankly at my closet. What to take? Obviously everything.

               I grabbed two old shirts and shorts for sleeping, all of my undergarments, all my jeans, shirts, tank tops, sweaters, skirts, dresses, and other accessories. I threw in my sports bathing suit as well as my pretty blue sunbathing one into my large pine green suitcase. A winter jacket here, a fall jacket there, and I was done with packing my clothing.

 “I really need to go on a shopping spree when in London”, I thought to myself and wrote a note of that on my iPhone 5. Good thing that I have a credit card.

Walking to the bathroom across the hall I grabbed my makeup and stuffed it into a huge cosmetic case, getting my body essentials, hair dryer, straightener, and hair curler as well. I also got my jewelry off of their stand and stuffed then into another small bag.

Last but not least, I got all the shoes I needed. I got my trusty Nike sneakers, tall back Uggs, three pairs of combat boots, two other elegant boots, the nice shoes, moccasins, and flip flops.

I laid out my outfit for tomorrow on my chair next to my bed which consisted of dark skinnies, my Converse, and a tank top with a Hollister sweater.

All was now packed.


“Happy Birthday to you!!!” my family and Emma sang to me. I blue out my candles on my red velvet cake. I was so happy.

“Time for my present!” Emma said and quickly shoved a red bag into my hands. I opened up the present to reveal a new pair of white beats.

“OH my gosh!! No way! Thank you!” I gave her a tight hug.

“Now we match!” Out of her Juicy bag she pulled out a pair of pink ones.

“NO way!”

“Yes way!”I hugged her again.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw my Dad looking at me. “We forgot to give you your key to your apartment and your car”, he said smiling at me.

“Why do I need an apartment? I’m perfectly good with a dorm room. And I car? It’s way too much. I must be dreaming.”

“Don’t worry”, he reassured me. “Emma’s parent’s insisted on the apartment as well, but you two will have to work and pay for it. And as for the car, it’s just what you think it is.”

“You did not get me THE car.”

“Oh yes we did”, my Mom said beaming at me. I tackled them both into a hug.

It seemed like there could be nothing better that could happen to me .


My alarm woke me up again in the morning at 5:30. I got into the shower and washed my hair and shaved my legs and underarms. I let my hair dry naturally as I got dressed and put on small makeup. I quickly shoved my iPhone, Mac, Beats, and Kindle into my big Juicy purse with all of the chargers.

Soon, my family and I were out of the driveway as soon as I put my suitcase and backpack into the back of the car and we were on the way to the airport.

When we got to the airport, I breathed in deeply and sighed. All of the energy of everyone rushing through the airport surged though me. I was so excited.

Checking in my luggage, I got to the terminal where I met up with Emma and we said farewell to our families. Lastly I got to my Mom and I already had tears running down my face.

“Remember that I’ll always love you. Take care of yourself and Emma”, she said with tears in her eyes.

“I will.”

“Oh, and here is just some money to start you both off”, she said hand me a stuffed envelope.

“Mom, this is way too-“

“Keep it; I may be very useful.”

Soon, Emma and I were walking to our seats onto the plane.

“You want the seat by the window?” she said, obviously trying to cheer me up.

“Sure, thanks Emma.”

We both plugged in out headphones and turned on the TV in front of us and tuned to watch Warm Bodies as the plane took off.  Slowly, both of us nodded off to sleep.

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