Chapter 6- Him.

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I have been busy and have been procrastinating quite a bit. That is me being honest. Sorry for those of you who have waited. I would like to thank those of you who have commented on previous parts. That motivated me to write more. I will hopefully upload once more this week.- Anna

While coming back to the apartment with bags full of groceries, I quickly called my mom to let her know that we got here completely safe and I thanked her so much for everything. Walking up to mine and Emma’s apartment building, I crashed into a hard body since I was looking at my phone texting my sister.

“Oh, I am so sorry!” I said looking up at the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. They were completely mesmerizing. I quickly looked up and down at the guy who was standing in front of me, thinking he wouldn’t notice me checking me out. Looking at his face again, he just winked at me and smiled beautifully and went on his way. All I could do was stare at the tall, dark-hooded figure that walked away in the distance of the dark evening. I stood there for what seemed like an hour. And did I happen to mention that it was starting to rain?

Snapping back into the real world again, I realized all of the things I had just bought were starting to get soaked, not to mention my clothes as well. I hurried up to our apartment floor. Trudging in through the door, I through a jumbo bag full of gummy bears into Emma’s room, which she immediately tore open and started eating it like crazy. Walking into the kitchen, I placed everything up onto the counter and stared putting things away in the empty cupboards and refrigerator. 

“You’re awfully quiet.” I jump at hearing Emma’s voice right behind me. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m really tired and jetlagged after the flight.”

“Did you see anything or anyone interesting on your walk to the grocery store?” she interrogated.

“Just a very cute cat that looks just like you,” I joked.

“I’m serious.”

“Well, I may have met this guy named Andrew at the grocery store…he was gorgeous, but I wasn’t that attracted.”

“Wait, what? And you didn’t tell me right away! You’re an awful friend! What did he look like? What did he sound like? Did he ask you out on a date? When can I see him?”

Well, someone was getting excited.

“Hold on, he was a bit taller than me, had blond hair, green eyes, and had an English accent just like any other boy that’s here. And no, he didn’t ask me out. Anyways, he seems just like your type.”

“I’m going to the grocery store tomorrow!” she said defiantly. “And you can’t stop me!” And with that, she walked to the room and shut the door.

I decided not to tell her about the guy that I had basically crashed into outside of our apartment building. I still had a bit to think about.

Walking into my room, I organized a few more things. My new walk in closet was barely occupied since I only came here with one suitcase and most of my clothes were either really alike or really old, so I left them at home. It was only then when I realized that on a shelf at the top of the closet where two cases that looked like violin cases. One of them, I realized was my violin, my baby, that I had played on for about ten years already. I opened the other case to reveal a beautiful, sleek and black electric violin. It was the one that was on a magazine clipping that I had kept pinned above my desk for the last two years. I stared at it for a while. I love my parents.

After putting the violins back into place, I took a long, hot shower to ease the ache I had in my back after sitting in the uncomfortable seats on the plane for what seemed like forever. I put an old comfy t-shirt with so short shorts on and climbed into bed, exhausted.

All I kept thinking about was him. His eyes. Those gorgeous, light green and blue eyes that looked just like the chlorine water in the pool I swam in every day. His dark hair that was just shaped perfectly on his head. His really pale, skin, that looked almost white made him look like a beautiful vampire. His lips were almost blood red and were just the right amount of curvy and plump. His shoulders were quite broad and his arms were very muscular since his black hoodie seemed quite tight around his biceps. He was really tall, and me already being tall, he was really, really tall.  I had to slightly look up to see his face. And his smell was wonderful. I could sense him using Abercrombie Fierce to mask the scent of his natural perfume- chlorine. Yup, he smelled like a swimmer. Which made me wonder, is there a pool around here? Because if there is, I am bound to meet him there someday.

Thanks for reading!

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