Chapter 3 - First Meetings and Dreams Come True

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Ayden's POV

Devdutt freaking Padikkal thinks I am cute and wants to meet me! I've imagined meeting this guy a million times over, and not because I am one of the fans that wants to marry him, but because I am a left-handed opening batter like him and I've admired his technique since he walked onto the cricket field for his very first IPL game.

'The second innings is about to start,' Alec mumbles, 'pay attention.'

I spare him a smile, with the note still firmly gripped in my hand.

'We will go see him, I promise. But put that away for right now or you'll lose it.'

I take Alec's advice and carefully slide the note into my pocket. Looking at the field, I see Devdutt Padikkal standing at first slip, his usual fielding position in this team. He spares me a smirk and my heart plummets, in the best way possible. I've always admired him but gosh he's insanely attractive.

My mind keeps wandering to the note and it is proving to be very difficult to focus on the game ahead of me. The powerplay has been quiet for both sides, with both openers still surviving and 30 runs on the board. The equation in front of me tells me this is going to be an intensely tough chase and as if on cue, DDP is back in action, taking a catch off Yuzi Chahal, and Anuj Rawat is forced to walk back to the pavilion.

Alec's POV

RCB have just lost their first wicket and the crowd goes silent, apart from the scarce cheers from the RR fans.

'Why is he still part of the XI? He hasn't once played a single match-winning inning,' Aydy groans.

'Worked out well for us.'

Rajat Patidar has made his way out to the middle and is taking guard at the crease. He's been a handful this season and it will be interesting to see what he does today.

The game has ebbed and flowed but much like the first innings, Virat Kohli has been watching his partners fall under pressure. ABD now joins his best friend with 3 overs to go and 43 runs needed. Chinnaswamy erupts into loud cheers as the duo shares a quick word and AB takes strike.

Facing Trent Boult ABD looks unphased, which is unsurprising, given that he's destroyed most bowlers in the world.

'I don't have a great feeling about this,' I mutter but Ayden is not paying attention.

Proving my instincts right, ABD starts off with a 6. The carnage continues as he takes RCB from a losing position to a win with 5 balls to spare.

Ayden jumps ecstatically, 'oh my God, that was absolutely amazing!!'

This earns her a smile and once again, Ayden's joy mostly makes up for the upsetting loss my team has just suffered.

'Are we going to meet DDP now then?' She asks.

'Not yet, I think they probably need to have a team meeting before we can go meet them.'

Devdutt's POV

I get a ping on my phone as I leave the shower room.

Hey! This is Ayden (you sent me a note I think?). When is a good time to come up to the dressing room?

Definitely not now, I think. I toy with the idea of attempting a joke but decide against it and simply type back:

Hey Ayden! I will get the security to bring you up once everyone's settled in. Super glad you decided to come up and meet me. DDP x

Ayden's POV

'Why does he sign off messages?'

'I think it's cute.'

'Of course, you do, he's a brown guy with a crooked smile.' Alec rolls his eyes at me.

The minutes feel like hours as Alec and I talk about the game and our expectations of the impending meeting while waiting for the guard to bring us upstairs.

'Excuse me, ma'am,' the security from earlier comes up to us, 'Devdutt sir has asked for you.'

Alec and I hurriedly rise and follow the guy to the dressing room where Devdutt greets us. 

'Hey!' He says, with a warm smile and I need to grab Alec's hand to steady myself. I think I might have got myself a little crush.

Devdutt's POV

I smile, after greeting her, and she blushes just slightly and grabs her boyfriend's (?) hand. God, I hope he isn't her boyfriend.

'Hi,' she smiles back. Her eyes remind me of Bambi, big and shiny with gorgeous eyelashes. 'I'm Ayden and this is my best friend, Alexander.'

Her accent isn't Indian but is Asian, and when she says he is her best friend, my heart skips a tiny beat. I'm not in love with her or anything, but I think I might have a little crush.

'I'm sorry to ask,' Ayden says a little quietly, 'but can I meet ABD and Virat Kohli? I've been a huge fan of them for most of my cricketing career.' She makes air quotes around the word career.

'Of course, let's go.' She flashes a huge smile at Alexander, and they follow us in a semi-hurry. 'So you play cricket?'

'Quite a bit when I was younger and then a little bit at university. Alec and I are actually on the same team.'

And I am finally able to place her accent, she sounds exactly like Kumar Sangakkara. Before I can ask her, we are in RCB's dressing room.

I walk in ahead of her and find Virat, 'There's a fan outside that would like to meet AB and you. Would that be okay?' and then in a slightly hushed voice I add, 'I think she's cute.'

'Accha!' Virat says with a smirk, 'Bring her in and I'll get AB.'

She strikes up a conversation with both of them and gets a bunch of pictures and then turns to me

'Thank you so much! Can I get a picture with you too?'

I nod and take my spot next to her and Alec snaps the picture. She reviews it and decides it looks decent enough to not delete. I agree.

'Thank you again. This has been great!' She turns away.

'I'll walk you out.'

I watch her leave and as I walk back to the RCB dressing room, thoughts of Ayden cloud my mind and I can't help but wonder when I will see her again.

'AB and I think she's amazing,' Virat says, 'Finally, a girl that gets cricket and has a pleasant personality.'

'Yeah, I just hope I see her again.'

'Wait, you don't know her? I thought you guys were friends.' AB chimes in.

'Nah, I saw her during the game and sent her a note. I realise that is quite strange but hey, it worked.'

'This is what my wife calls a meet cute,' AB says, 'You need to shoot your shot. That's how I ended up with Danielle!'

I nod and go on Instagram. I look for Ayden and go through a hundred accounts. I'm nearly about to give up when I find her profile. Ayden Malik it reads, I click request after hovering above the button for a minute and pray she doesn't think I am a stalker.

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