Chapter 5 - Conversations and Butterflies

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Ayden's POV

Repeated knocks on my door wake me up. I rub my eyes and trudge towards the noise; I swing the door open and see Alec smiling widely at me.

'What do you want.'

'Good morning to you too. Why do you look like you just woke up?'

'Because I did.'

'Well, did you forget we were meant to explore the city?'

'Ah shit, yes I did. I'll be ready in 20 minutes.'

Alexander's POV

Ayden's phone doesn't stop buzzing so I peep over to take a look. I'm incredibly surprised to see that all the notifications are from one Devdutt Padikkal; I don't know which one is more unbelievable – the fact that she accepted the follow request or that he's texting her.

'Ayden, you're getting a lot of messages.' I say as she appears from the bathroom in a white kurta and jeans. She looks amazing, as she usually does when she's dressed in Indian attire.

'Who is it?'

'Devdutt Padikkal.'

I see the expression on her face change from confused to excited to a little petrified.

'Shit, I forgot I messaged him.'

'You messaged him? What were you thinking?'

'Man, I don't know. I was tired and he is so gorgeous.'

'Aydy, do you have a crush on him?'

'Let's just go out aney, shape?' I mentally translate this to, I don't want to talk about this right now, so I'm going to distract you with an adventure.


We make some plans to visit all the major tourist attractions – a beautiful temple, a park, and a popular shopping street. We start with Cubbon Park; it is incredibly beautiful and I can't help but draw parallels to Hyde Park.

'I'm tired. It's been 3 hours and this place is gorgeous but I want to eat.'

I am hungry too so I agree.

'What do you think about getting some food at a little stall and going back to the hotel?'

'I think that is the best idea you've ever had.'

Ayden's POV

'This is the best dosa ever.'

'This is the best food ever. Why couldn't I be brown?'

I give Alec a confused look, 'Was that a little bit racist?'

'Shit, I hope not!' I laugh at Alec's embarrassment.

'Can I text DDP back?'

'Are you asking me for permission?' Alec's confusion is evident.

'No, of course not. I am asking you if you think it is stupid.'

'He seems to be replying so I don't see why not and you're smart enough to know if something is wrong.'

I smile back and make a mental note to actually reply to the texts.

Devdutt's POV

I blitz through my notifications; most of them are about loving me, and about me being their idol but one message stands out.

Having separation anxiety now, are we?

The profile reads Ayden Malik. I smile as the memories from yesterday flood back. Despite being incredibly upset that we lost, I think I will always look back on the game quite positively. I click on her profile and scroll through – my God she's beautiful. I'm surprised I reach the end of her profile rather quickly, most of her pictures are from what I imagine are important events and even more of them feature the same people. I go back to the message:

Can you blame me? I thought I felt a connection.

I don't know what made me send that message that slightly borders on creepy but I roll with it, typing out another message.

I'd really like to meet you again. Would you like to attend another game?

Your friend, too.

Just as I type that out, I get a call from Prasidh. I'm late for practice. I really hope she replies.

Ayden's POV

Alec leaves and I settle into bed and grab my phone, getting ready to reply to the messages from DDP.

Can you blame me? I thought I felt a connection.

I'd really like to meet you again. Would you like to attend another game?

Your friend, too.

Devdutt Padikkal wants to meet me again! Did he actually feel a connection with me? I feel heat rush to my cheeks and butterflies going insane in my tummy as I type back my reply.

I don't blame you at all. Any guy I meet is quite enthralled by me.

But seriously, I would have loved to but I leave in 3 days so that doesn't seem likely.

Before I can exit the chat, I see that DDP is typing back. Ignoring every single unsaid social media 'rule' I stay on the page.

3 days! That is plenty of time!

Tickets to the game in Chennai are yours, if you want them.

I can't believe this! I came to India for one cricket match and I'm going to leave after watching two matches live and meeting my cricketing idols and DDP.

You've convinced me.

I will see you there.

My friend, too.

Devdutt's POV

I am going to meet Ayden again. And I am going to take her out on the best date ever.

I'm glad!

I finally understand the term 'butterflies in my stomach' and my butterflies are going crazy in my stomach.

Playing the Game: A Devdutt Padikkal Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now