Chapter 4 - Jealousy and Follow Requests

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Alexander's POV

I'm pleasantly surprised by Devdutt Padikkal, I don't know what I expected but he seems like a sound guy. Of course, that might have to do with the fact that he's got Ayden smiling ear to ear and I've never seen her happier than in this moment. She speaks to AB and Virat about cricket, movies and Sri Lanka and when she does remember I'm standing behind her, waves me into the conversation.

I exchange a few words with the two of them, briefly discussing cricketing technique before I go back to speaking with DDP, who seems to be quite enthralled with Ayden. When he notices me walk back over, he quickly diverts his gaze.

'How long have you known Ayden?'

'Um, about 4 years now, I think. Met her during my first year at university and been friends for nearly as long.'

'She seems like an interesting personality.'

'Oh yeah, she's special.'

Devdutt gives me a distant smile, no doubt still captured by Ayden. She spins around to look at us.

'Thank you so much! Can I get a picture with you too?'

DDP smiles, nods and walks over to stand beside her. Ayden hands me the phone and I click about half a dozen pictures, angling the phone slightly differently each time. She analyses the pictures and decides they are decent enough to not delete. I agree; she always looks amazing in pictures, but even more so today, probably owing to the fact that she's just met her cricketing idols and a guy that is undoubtedly going to be her next crush.

Ayden's POV

It's nearly midnight and getting a tuk-tuk to stop by is proving to be very difficult. We've been stood outside for around 15 minutes, waving at the vehicles that pass by but they refuse – probably because the hotel isn't a far enough distance away for them to make any big bucks.

'Should we just walk?' I ask, looking over at Alec.

'Yeah, I don't see why not. Except that we might get mugged.'

'Well, I don't think our chances of not getting mugged exponentially decrease if we stand here in the dark.'

'Okay, you've got a point.'

I smile and hand him my phone with the directions. He laughs.

'Why are you laughing?'

'You know why. You should really learn to read maps or you'll end up in the middle of some jungle, somewhere, where no one can find you.'

I hit him on the arm, and we start walking. I can't stop thinking of today; it was a day I could have only dreamed of. From attending the match at the Chinnaswamy to meeting my all-time favourite cricketers to watching RCB win the game, I had the best time and I need to pinch myself repeatedly to remind myself it actually happened.

'How come you are so quiet? We've nearly walked half the distance.'

'Oh, I was just thinking about today and how perfect it was.'

'Yeah, you seemed to really enjoy yourself.'

'Did you not?' Alec smiles at me.

'Of course, I did. They seem like great guys and they are amazing cricketers; hopefully the influence helps improve my batting.'

I laugh and as I am about to reply, I get a notification on my phone.

Alec sees it first, and looks at me a with a slight smirk.

'Look who's come back for more, not literally but you know.'

'What on earth are you talking about?' I snatch my phone away and pull down on my notifications tab. It reads:

devpadikkal19 requested to follow you

I look up at Alec, 'surely this is a joke of some sorts.'

'He doesn't seem like that kind of guy.'

A smile creeps on my face because either way he went through the trouble of looking for my profile, which can't have been easy given that he didn't know my name. I swiftly hand back Alec the phone.

'Are you not going to do anything about that?'

'I need to think about it.'

We walk in silence for the remainder of the journey and before I realise we are at my room.

'Goodnight Alec.'

'Goodnight Aydy, hope you had fun today.'

'I did.' I smile and enter my room.

After getting ready for bed, I scroll through Instagram, contemplating whether or not I should accept this follow request. I've seen the other side of the Indian cricketing fandom and I do not want to be a target but maybe I am overthinking this.

I think of his smirk when he first introduced himself and I can't help myself, I click accept and follow him back. I feel my eyes get heavier and just before I drift to sleep I type out a message.

Having separation anxiety now, are we?

Clearly not entirely in my senses, I click send and settle in to sleep preparing myself for what is doubtlessly going to be a night filled with many dreams. And as long as they are of DDP, I don't mind.

I really need to get a hold of this crush I have going on, is my last thought as my tiredness gets the better of me and I drift off to sleep.

Playing the Game: A Devdutt Padikkal Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now