Chapter 8 - First Dates, Movies and Goodbyes

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Ayden's POV

This Chennai crowd is unreal; they cheer loudly for every boundary and go completely silent at the fall of every wicket. CSK have 156 runs on the board in 17.3 overs and the fall of the last wicket brings Dhoni to the crease, and the stadium erupts into thunderous cheers and whistles.

'This is unreal!' I turn to Alec who seems captured by the scenes in front of him.

'Tell me about it! Remind me to thank your pretty boy.' I laugh but I am certain he didn't hear me.

I turn my attention back to the game, and as if on cue, Shivam Dube, who looked to be playing on a completely different surface to the others, is caught on the boundary. The crowd goes silent again, and the momentum may have shifted to the men in pink. I spot what looks like a few handfuls of RR supporters on their feet, cheering, perhaps for the first time in this game – Alec is one of them.

'This is amazing, Ayden,' he sits back down. 'I'm starting to think RR has got a decent chance here.'

'Yeah, I think so too! Especially considering the form their top order has been in.'

Dhoni and Jadeja walk off the field to stand ovations from the crowd, having set a fighting target of 178. For most of the innings, it did look like Chennai were running away with the match, but the Royals did well to pull it back.

'Man, India really is united in their love for Dhoni.'

'Yeah, leading a world cup winning side and scoring a match-winning 91 can do that.'

'Don't remind me.' Alec laughs as I feign hurt.

'Hey, what do you think you'll do later?'

'I want to say dinner and a movie.'

'But you aren't sure?'

'I'm not. Is something wrong?'

'Nah. I'm just trying to think about how much time I've got on my own.'

'Oh, that's easy! None.'

'Aydy, I love you, but I am not going to be a third wheel on your first date.' I laugh.

'Fine, have it your way. But if I get kidnapped, you'll know who to blame.'

'Yep!' He nods, 'You. For trusting a guy you've met just once.' I just shove him.

The second innings starts, and to everyone's surprise, out walk Jaiswal and Padikkal.

'Where's Buttler? Do you think he's injured?'

'Didn't notice anything during the game.'

'I bet it's some random strategy again.'

'I wouldn't complain - I think this strengthens their middle order. Besides, DDP at the top of the order did work for RR in their last game.'

'True. I guess it's going to be a waiting game to see if this pays off.' I just nod.


10 overs in, and RR are currently cruising – they've only lost Jaiswal and have managed to put 98 runs on the board. Next to me, Alec is quite elated.

'Pretty boy is really talented.'

'Oh, I know. But maybe you should stop calling him pretty boy; it's a little belittling.'

'You know I'm just kidding.' h

With a stylish four placed perfectly between backward point and third man, Padikkal gets to his half-century and does a nonchalant wave of his bat. Alec and I are on our feet clapping, and DDP smiles in our direction. Deep down, I hope it's at me.

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