Chapter 7 - Chennai, Flights and Dosas

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Ayden's POV

My alarm goes off at 1.15 am and I wake up with a raging headache, cursing myself for staying up until 12 am and for booking the 5 am flight. I stumble into the bathroom and brush my teeth while calling Alec – no reply. I throw my hair into a bun and walk over to his room, banging on the door.

'Alexander James Chamberlain!' I half-yell, 'Get out of bed! We have a flight to catch.'

I reach to knock on the door once more when it swings open. Standing in front of me is a very angry looking Alec.

'I'm awake woman, you happy?'

'I'd be happier if you were dressed and ready to go, but I'll take what I get.'

'What time are we aiming to leave?'

'At 1.30 am, maybe 1.45 am.' I say and Alex nods robotically. 'Exchange keys?'

'Yep, here you go. Toss me your card once you open the door.' I do as he says and rush to the bathroom. I've got 10 minutes to shower and get dressed.

I hear the door open as I step out of the bathroom.

'Perfect timing, I made you some coffee.'

'Thank you! Oh, I could kiss you right now.' I say with a huge smile on my face, Alec laughs.

'We don't have time for that. Must I remind you we only have 10 minutes before we absolutely need to leave for the airport?'

I open my suitcase and throw Alec two packs of manioc crisps I got from Sri Lanka.

'For the road.'

'Thanks, Aydy.' Alec smiles at me.

I sit down on my bed and gulp down the coffee, 'Ready to go?'

'Yup!' Alec grabs both our suitcases and then looks at me, 'Are you taking this?'

I just nod in response and grab both our room keys.

Alec's POV

We arrived at the airport at half past two and in about an hour, we are already at the gate. I am seriously impressed by the efficiency of this airport compared to Heathrow.

'How early do you think we should get to the stadium?'

'Not sure. All I've ever heard is that the crowd is crazy at Chepauk.'

'Do you think you can ask pretty boy?'

'Sure, although I don't know if he will respond in time.'

'Of course, he will. He is smitten.' I pull a face at Ayden.

She opens Instagram and types out a message:

At the airport and trying to plan out our day, how early would you say we should get to the stadium by?

She puts her phone away and turns to me, 'I'm hungry. Do you want to get anything?'

'We've got an hour to kill so why not?'


Once I settle into my seat, Ayden loops her arms around mine and places her head on my shoulder.

'Do you think it's weird that I haven't been able to stop thinking about 'pretty boy' in the last couple days?'

'No, it isn't weird. But I am worried about you.' I say, laying my head on hers, which always makes her laugh. And as if on cue, she chuckles.

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