Chapter 1-Wilderness Survival For the Short of Luck

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A/N: I am not a professional writer, or anything remotely resembling one. This is also my first major foray into writing. If you spot any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, tell me and I'd be happy to fix them as soon as I can. If you have any criticisms with my story as a whole, please also feel free to mention those as well. I'd like to improve this story as it moves along. Also, I don't have a set schedule in mind yet. I'm at the mercy of college right now.

Note that despite the title of the chapter, the survival strategies practiced here are not exactly optimal. Should you find yourself planning any excursions into nature, please consult a book written by someone who actually understands what they are talking about, unlike yours truly.

Language and Mild Violence Warning! This applies to all parts of the book.

I don't own Pokémon.

"Text" - speaking
"Text" - thinking
*Text* - sound effects
...       -timeskip
Text - emphasis
Text  -Pokémon moves


Do you know that unfortunate feeling?

"What unfortunate feeling?" You may ask.

That feeling when your body and mind are just on the cusp on sleep, only to be ripped away by that unpleasant falling sensation.

You can probably liken it to missing a step on your way downstairs, and plummeting the rest of the way down. Or, perhaps the feeling when a guy under six feet tall falls out of bed.

During these occurrences, you are fortunately jolted back to reality a mere second later. The experience was over as soon as it began.

That is not what happened today. Instead, you felt the oh-so pleasant experience of your face connecting with the dirt, followed by a ringing in your ears.  A stinging pain ran through your nose.

"Ah Shit," you muttered. Shakily working your way to your knees, you blinked and surveyed the environment.

Large trees painted with the colors of autumn towered above you in all directions. Mossy rocks and bulky bushes dotted the landscape. The sky was painted a dreary shade of gray, the sun obscured by thick clouds To your left, a brook cuts through a small clearing in the trees. 

A cold breeze cuts through the area, your nightclothes doing little to protect you from the chill.

Rubbing your arms, you stumble over towards the small creek, before plopping down on a nearby rock. Your reflection is the same as always, barring the dirt caked on your nose.

You lean down, and splash some cold water on your face.

"Where the hell am I?"

Before you can ponder this question further, a rustling of leaves catches your attention. A small creature pokes its head out of some nearby bushes, cautiously sniffing at the air. Its head turns to you.

Your confusion turns to shock, then realization. The canine is mostly brown, with spots of blue on its back. A mess of cream colored fur adorns its face. Small beady black eyes stare back at you in curiosity. Slowly, it takes a series of steps towards you. You jerk slightly, and the sudden movement sends the tiny beast running back to the bushes.

"Tha-that was a Lillipup." You take a shaky breath.

"That was a Pokémon." A rather unremarkable Pokémon actually. Lillipup were an early game normal type native to Unova.

Well, that answered your question. At least, you hope. You don't remember if the species can be found in other regions. But that didn't really matter. You've entered the world of Pokémon.

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