Chapter 5-Thoroughly Schooled

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A/N: I'm back, hope y'all are doing well.

My summer break starts next week, so I should hopefully be able to get out chapters on a more consistent basis in the following months. No promises though.

Also, I should probably establish now that this story is a mixture of anime and game canon, with some of my own stuff thrown in. Pretty much anything is fair game. Take of that what you will, and feel free to run wild with your speculations.

I don't own Pokémon. If I did, Rampardos would have Rock Head as a potential ability.


A cold breeze shook your campfire, scattering orange sparks across the ground near your feet. The crashing of the nearby waves echoed off the cliff sides far beneath you. The horn of a boat sounded in the distance.

At the top of the ruined fortress, you gathered your thoughts regarding your recent revelation. To think Genesect could have unleashed so much destruction. It was absurd. On top of all that, the world at large seemed clueless to the rogue Pokémon's identity and whereabouts. After its rampage, the Pokémon had just...vanished.

Perhaps they were captured by some secret government force, or by team Plasma themselves.

That was a sobering thought. You had no idea how the organization could've possibly done such a thing.

Perhaps they had their king talk the Genesect down, or...

"Aghh!" Your leg muscles cried out in agony as you shifted on your seat.

As it turns out, taking a break was certainly the right call. A day and half of virtually non stop walking was really starting to wear on you. Meloetta looked tired too, the Pokémon flickering in and out of unconsciousness as it leaned up against you.

No doubt the recent battle had taken quite the toll on it. Both physically and mentally.

You had almost died.


Let's hope that doesn't become a running theme.

The egg capsule sat within arms reach, soaking up heat from the glowing campfire. You honestly weren't sure if it needed the extra warmth. But you didn't want to take any risks, especially with the plunging temperatures that accompanied nightfall. If it ever got too cold, your backpack would provide sufficient protection for the egg. Whatever weird pocket dimension inhabited that thing allowed it to safeguard its contents against both environmental extremes and physical trauma. felt wrong to just shove the egg into some dark corner of your bag if it wasn't necessary to do so. What would happen if it hatched in there? Could it even hatch in there?

You shot out a hand to catch an unconscious Meloetta, the Pokémon having just fallen forwards in its slumber.


"Looks like it's past somebody's bedtime. You don't have to keep me company you know..."

The Pokémon gave you a worried look as it repositioned itself at your side.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

The Pokémon frowned, tapping one of its arms on your chest. "Me-Lo!"

"Me? I'll be fine, just gotta get some rest."

Meloetta frowned, obviously unconvinced.

"Well...this is supposed to be a partnership, right?" Your Pokémon bounced slightly, eagerly awaiting a response. "Meloetta obviously deserves to know too..." You awkwardly rubbed your neck as you tried to find the best way to broach the topic. "Screw it." You decided to go straight for the jugular. "I think...I think I figured out what destroyed your home."

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