Chapter 3-The Old Lady

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A/N: There's some fan made lore in this chapter. If any games/other material that goes against this fan made lore is released while I'm in process of writing this story, just treat this an alternate universe.

Also, shoutout to my man Ash. Keeping it real since 1997. He had a good run, may his memories live on.

I don't own Pokémon. If I did, I would've never done Regigigas so dirty.


"...Wait a're that (y/n) kid who called me this morning. You're here for the job, right?" The old lady frowned. Curled white hair adorned a wrinkled and worn face. Cold, gray eyes gazed down at you with an emotion you could not place.

"That's now a bad time?"

"It's perfectly fine." She then stepped inside, before turning on her heel to face you. "Are you coming in, or are you just going to stand there all day."

"Ah, yeah." You and Meloetta hurriedly followed her, closing the door behind you.

Thankfully,  the house looked a lot nicer on the inside. It was a pretty standard...old person house? That was the best way you could describe it.

The chairs and couch were decked out in a floral pattern. Glass cabinets held small trophies and various plates ornamented with patterns of flying type Pokémon. Despite this outward pleasantness, a fine layer of dust had settled on virtually every available surface. You spotted a few more signs of disarray. Chipped paint here, a burned out light fixture there.

Moving past the kitchen, the old lady stopped, before shoving a piece of paper into your hands. "Specific instructions for how I want the basement cleaned are listed there. I will check on your progress in a few hours." She paused for a second, before shooting you a glare that could melt ice. "And if you intend to play any foolish pranks, I suggest you leave now."

"I-I don't...I just need the money." Your eyes locked, before she turned away.

"Then get going. The door is right behind you"

"What a kind old soul." A brief glance down at the paper in your hands revealed a list of instructions so goddamn long that it would probably take the whole day just to read through it. "C'mon Meloetta."

The Pokémon patted you on the shoulder, as you made your way into the basement. The old wooden stairs creaked and bended as you descended them. Pulling on one of those hanging cords to turn on the light, the reason this job paid so highly became apparent.

The basement was massive, easily spanning the whole length of the house. The tall stone brick walls that made up the basement walls were barely visible thanks to the mess of boxes and furniture that cluttered the area. It looked as if stuff had been piled up with no rhyme or reason for decades.

The place smelled musty and damp, who knows what was growing down here.

"Add a few chains here and there, and we'll have a proper medieval dungeon." You scanned the area, "Where to even start with all this shit."


The first blurb on the list had mentioned that she wanted all large pieces of furniture moved to the top of the stairs. She had stated that her own Pokémon would then move it outside later. You didn't know why the Pokémon couldn't just take it out of the basement themselves, but whatever.

So, you had done just that. Meloetta had levitated the larger tables and cabinets, pulling them out of places that you would otherwise have been unable to reach. During this, you had begun sorting various boxes and totes, in order to make the later process easier.

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